Friday, April 3, 2009

Recent cuts in budget

Funny how all these huge organizations are receiving loads of money from the government when the small company I work for was counting on a grant from Home Land Security to finish a project that THEY REQUESTED was cut. I was told we have to finish the project on a "shoe string" which means, no raises, layoffs and fear for the future of the company. I am not happy with what is happening in this administration and I fear the worst. Two years of research, money and brain power to get this project started, all may be flushed down the toilet. Now what?


mat said...

Juls times are hard and I'm sorry that your companies getting hosed. Your company does a lot of good work and I hope they can get past this. This administration hasn't worked out like some people thought. But I believe we will overcome and emerge stronger and wiser. Keep the faith girl we still live in the greatest country in the world. Peace.

Sean said...

Don't fret, Juls, maybe BO will give you an iPod, too.

What a joke. THIS is the guy who's gonna restore America's image in the rest of the world? What a putz.

I don't agree with Mat, though. I think there are three kinds of people who voted in 2008. Those of us who say BO for what he was and voted for McCain (this is working out exactly like we thought, but hoped against hope would be different), those who actually know what BO was planning and wanted it, and those massses who really had now idea what he was about. All of the indicators were out there for anyone who was listening.... Redistribute the wealth, tax the "rich", disarm our military, bankrupt the energy companies, abort-abort-abort, more and more and more central government control. He talked about all of these so it shouldn't be a surprise.

On the other hand, I'd say that most who voted for BO didn't really know what he was about - it certainly was not covered in the dinasaur media who couldn't spend enough airtime fawning over him.

This is serious folks - we're on the road to ruin.

Sean said...

He actually put HIS OWN SPEECHES on the iPOD? He put "don't cry for my Argentina" - anyone remember who fought that little war for the Falklands Islands

Ric Larson said...

Yea Sean, I remember well! My sister British Infantry Unit in Germany was sent off there. Always wished that we (our unit, 2nd AD Fwd.) could go along to support them. We were brothers in arms at the time! Never heard from any of those English guys I knew back then again. But hoped and prayed most of them made it back AOK! Loved working and partying with those British soldiers in Germany! I think their cause was just!

Ric Larson said...

“I think there are three kinds of people who voted in 2008”. You are so correct on this one Sean! And many I know are regretting casting that vote.

rac said...

Juls, I am truly sorry to hear about your predicament. Having worked in the semiconductor industry for 12 years I understand the emotions of not knowing if you would have a job from one month to the next. All I can say is have faith. Things always seem to work out no matter what the initial outcome.

As for the response on this thread I am a little confused. I thought the bitch about Obama was all the spending. Now here is a case where the government is cutting back on spending and suddenly that's evil? I guess a hand-out from Uncle Sam is only bad when it's going into somebody else's pocket.

Dave said...

It's only the beginning folks...
hold onto your hats, we're in for a wild ride.

Sean said...

Juls - did this project perhaps have to do with making America safer or controlling the borders? If so, no wonder they canceled it - the BO administration is not interested in either one!

rac said...

Care to quantify that statement Sean? Or are you just making shit up again?

You know Sean, it's kind of hard to take you serious when you continuously make statements like "This is serious folks - we're on the road to ruin." You're starting to sound more than a little irrational and depressed.

Doug said...

I would like an i-pod. From what I've heard you can delete and record your own favorite songs on one at your own discretion.
But you're probably right Sean. it would have been much more appropriate for the new President to wink at the queen while comparing her to his mother.
So which one is the putz?
By the way Juls we are sorry to hear of your troubles. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Rac, the spending that we expected for our grant was Homeland Security issued initiative. The idea that large corps be taxed higher and small company's left out is the problem I see. Our product will save lives, but we are small, and it is costly to develop, we will bleed dry to get the project finished. When it is done we will have a product that will need to be in the hands of every EMT, first responder and emergency room staff.

Anonymous said...

Sean, the product is used in the hands of first responders to a nerve gas attack.

Sean said...

Yes, RAC - it's all about me. There must be something wrong with me. Maybe you should call for a psychiatric intervention.

Quantify? OK - Juls said the project was for homeland security. They are charged with, among other things, border control, immigration violations, emergency response.

I'd say from BO's appointment of Janet Napolitano to the secretary position that he's not interested in border control or anything other than coddling the illegal immigrants.

I'd say from BO's own statements on dismantling our military that he's not all that interesting in making America safer.

Sean said...

Juls - I would say that your company is too small to effectively lobby the congress and administration to ensure they get a piece of the recovery pie.

We often hear about "Special Interests" and their influence on our lawmakers. Usually, the are talking about the "evil" special interests (wink wink) like Big Oil, Big Drugs or the Big Three Automakers. But, in reality there are all kinds of special interests, including the teachers union, the auto workers union and even green energy companies. The companies that are receiving the lions share today are probably the ones that "invested" the most in political influence.

Look at the AIG contributions. Look at GE's.

mat said...

I say again that we live in the greatest nation in the world and will emerge stronger inspite of our president not because of him. I agree that people voted for him for different reasons. Thats who we are. It's what we do. I personally have friends(go figure)that voted for Obama who are pissed at the prez and what he and his cronies in DC are up to. He is so over his head in this running a nation buisness.

Anonymous said...

Sean, I can't agree with you more.

Anonymous said...

Matt, I don't think we will come out stronger, history has proven that socialism doesn't work the way the left side thinks it does.

It would take a huge backlash for America to do an about face and go back to the way our forefathers intended and we used to enjoy ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Matt, I hope i am wrong, I hope that you are right.

rac said...

So by your own logic Sean, I guess Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. were also not interested in protecting our country since all closed bases or otherwise dismantled parts of our military. I also suppose the 30,000 additional troops Obama is sending to Afghanistan is for the purpose of coddling the terrorist. Not to mention the possible troop deployment currently being considered for the Mexican border.

And yes, at this point it does seem like it's all about you. I'm sorry, I just don't buy into your insistent paranoia. THE END IS NOT NEAR!!!!

mat said...

Juls,Sean Don't let the libs get you down. If you do they win. You must be optimists. Trust me on this. Look,Next election cycle the Obama drunkards will sober up and say "what were we thinking"? And then everything will get back to normal. Let em have their fun in the sun. We'll be back!

rac said...

I think if the Republicans want a real chance at picking up some political seats they're going to have to change the message. Not all of us are motivated by fear. If the only thing you have to offer is to tell me how fucked up our country is and there is no hope for the future then your message will fall on deaf ears. Have you ever had a co-worker who had nothing to input except bitching and griping? That defeatist who shot down every effort as a failure without even trying. Just how much respect did you give that person? Are these the values you want to instill in your children? That just because you don't get your way then all hope is lost? Do you teach your children to lie on the floor and throw a tantrum when they don't get their way? I doubt it. How about offering up some solutions. Take off the placard telling me THE END IS NEAR and I might begin to respect what you say... until then you're just another crazy fuck standing at the corner yelling at traffic.

Joanna said...

RAC, You are alone on this thread for the most part.Keep on saying what you think and know. Don't give up:) Matt Tidwell wrote to me and he is sooooo supportive of our ideas and reality.I don't want to be bashed but,hey your words say it so to the point. You are real and intelligent.Keep it going!!!

Joanna said...

RAC,Anytime! I respect intellectual people!Can't help it:)

Anonymous said...

Budget cuts to homeland security is serious although many projects are about privacy invasion (not good) there are many many good projects like the one we are in which is all about saving lives. One other project that I know of is the use of alternate weapons, such as ultra sonic sound. This method doesn't harm the eardrum but cause the enemy to stop in their tracks and retreat without deadly force. When budget cuts are made in projects like these, independent companies go out of business or have massive layoffs to cover the deficit and or the projects are unfinished.