Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Specter says he's switching from GOP to Dems

WASHINGTON (AP) - Veteran Republican Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania abruptly switched parties Tuesday, a move intended to boost his re-election chances that also pushed Democrats within one seat of a 60-vote filibuster-resistant majority.

"I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans," Specter said. Continue...


rac said... rats leaving a sinking ship.

rac said...

Two leading Republicans say Sen. Arlen Specter's decision to become a Democrat highlights the hostility moderates feel from an increasingly conservative GOP.

Doug said...

They should make him share a room with that rat Leiberman.
The cynical among us might suggest this switch was motivated primarily due to poll numbers suggesting Specter was likely to get his ass handed to him in the upcoming Republican primary.

Ric Larson said...

He has always been a Democrat running under the Republican party.

Ric Larson said...

As Leiberman is a Conservative, hiding under the now Independent party.

Doug said...

Lieberman a conservative? Dipshit opportunist turncoat is more like it. Same for Specter who actually started his career as a Democrat back in the 60's, switched to the Republican party when it seemed politically expedient, And now today...

Ric Larson said...

I'm with you Doug!

mat said...

Whatever rac.We never counted him as one of "us" anyways. I could throw it back to you like when Ben Nighthorse Campbell jumped ship to Our side. Wait, he didn't do us any good.Isn't he from Colorado?Shit!Asholes!

mat said...

And for the record I don't think Joe Liebermans such a bad guy. Thats probably why he's not considered presidential material.He's not "Assholy" enough.Hahahaha.

Becki said...

Wolf in sheeps clothing...good riddance!

DRL said...



rac said...

This response from the right is exactly why the GOP is sliding into obscurity. To openly close your doors to moderates and independents IMO amounts to political suicide. When your voting block consists of only the far right then you are left with only 20% of the voting populace. Not a great strategy for winning elections.

DRL said...

RAC, I think that conservative Christians are the lowest percentage of the populous, but I would rather be right than in power. Don't take that wrong, I am not saying that because I believe what I do, I am the only one that is correct. I believe what I do because it is what I have chosen. I believe what I do because I believe it is the correct thing. I am and will not ever change or convert someone, but I still believe I am write in what I believe. I was merely stating that you don't have to be in the popular to be correct in you belief.
"If all your friends jumped off a big rock, would you?" OOOPS bad example ;)

rac said...

Well then don't bitch when the government is not run the way you want it to be. If you can't find ways to cooperate with others and make compromise then you will always find yourself on the outside looking in. Winning wars is all about winning battles. And so far your team's not doing too well.

rac said...

"Senator John Cornyn of Texas, the head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said he would seek to recruit candidates who he thought could win in Democratic or swing states, even if it meant supporting candidates who might disagree with his own conservative views."I guess you guys will soon be kicking Senator Cornyn out too?

DRL said...

RAC, I agree with you one hundred percent on this. I will still vote, and voters have a right to complain. Now the opposing party has all the control, and if we don't get pulled out, it will be all on them. I just heard that this last quarter we dropped 5.1 points. Which means the recession is continuing no matter the amount of "stimulus" the democrats poor into the system.
But as I said, You are completely correct about being outside. The sad part is when the republicans were in power, they shared it with the demecrates. Nancy Pelosi sat as the Speaker of the House while republicans were in power. President Bush involved the democrats in most of what he did. He did not veto any of the democrats bills in his first tour. Etc....

DRL said...

RAC, I don't have that power.

rac said...

Senator Lindsay Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said: “We are not losing blue states and shrinking as a party because we are not conservative enough. If we pursue a party that has no place for someone who agrees with me 70 percent of the time, that is based on an ideological purity test rather than a coalition test, then we are going to keep losing.”

DRL said...

RAC, they don't call them "wind bags" for nothing.

Only time will tell. Remember the Dem's lost power in the 90's and regained it. They are much better at lying than the republicans I guess??????

See, I will not waver on my beliefs to please anyone. Maybe you shouldn't ether?

rac said...

I don't, that's why I left the Republican party.

Becki said...

American government thrives on a two-party system, which is why Republicans will not go away, nor will they become obsolete. Just like everyone on this blog, I refuse to compromise my belief's, even if it is in the minority. I think the Republican party has been struggling because it became too moderate and the lines became blurred. Revival is what it needs and I have a feeling revival is coming.

Just remember when I express my opinion I'm not "bitching," I'm expressing my opinion.

DRL said...

Well said Becki, I would not wish anyone to change for the sake of change. Holding strong to our beliefs is what has made us who we are as a country.

I believe we will be back, as the Democrats came back. If not, I will be in the majority. That is okay too. I may not like it, but it is okay.

Joanna said...

RAC,You go!!! You are an intelligent man!!! I truly respect you and your thoughts:)

Ric Larson said...

Becki, You ROCK!