Saturday, April 25, 2009

Our Pres is "Hip"

I enjoyed this article about Obama


Joanna said...

Cindy,I totally agree.He is hip and I believe that's why he won. The young people of America wanted a big change.Thank goodness that he won.He's so intellectual.As I would watch him through the campaign,I knew that he was smarter and better for this"melting pot" and would make better decisions.

Joanna said...

Oh not just the younger generation...the wiser:)

mat said...

Yea he's hip but he's still a dumbass.

mat said...

Sure speaks volumes about his supporters.

Joanna said...

Yeah mat it does speak volumes of his supporters. You,on the other hand,demonstrate over and over again just how ignorant you are.
Can't teach an old dog new tricks.Just stay the same in your comfort zone. You always were a follower and I can tell that's where you're at. Just look out for Homeland security.The prior admin let's people view what you and the other dumasses post.Hahaha!!!Dumasses not dumbass!!

Ric Larson said...

I like Mat's 'comfort zone'. You should join us Jo!

Ric Larson said...

When one ‘reaches for straws’ by insulting another’s spelling; they surely are running out of gunpowder. Yet at the same time, the insulter has a strong desire to belittle those that miss spell while corresponding!

Remember folks; “there is no correlation between spelling and intelligence”!

But, I beg to differ from the above quote that I have posted. I have also read “those that misspell words are usually more intelligence than their counter parts that often spell correctly”. The miss speller often is thinking much faster than he or she can write or type!

Doug said...

I'm getting a sense of deja vu.

rac said...

...all over again.

juliet said...

Here goes, sounds like rubbish to me.

Ric Larson said...

What is one mans rubbish is anouther mans treasure!

Dave said...

Das wun hip dip shit

mat said...

OK so as usual I'm not sure what Joanna is talking about.I get that you can call Bush every slimy name in the book but I can't call Obama a dumbass? Wow!I don't even get the rest of your post so I'll ignore it. Better run back to Sam and ask him what to say next. You know I meant and still mean everything I said to you in my Easter E-mail. Love ya sis!

DRL said...

Joanna, I am not sure what you meant about the last administrations Home Land Security. We were never hit again once President Bush established Homeland security.

Oh, I reread what you wrote, I will leave my other reply on because you said "it does speak volumes of his supporters". That is you. But please, it was President Clinton who authorised the government to watch your Internet activity. I think it is called "project eagle" or something like that. It was not President Bush, But a liberal President Clinton. Thought you might want to know that.
I posted a question.

Joanna, look at President Obama's Secretary of Homeland Security. She thinks that American Hero's are a terrorist threat to America. As a side note, President Obama did not fire her, so he must agree with her. I don't ever recall that from the "former administration". Bush always referred to the men and women who served as hero's, never terrorists.