Sunday, May 4, 2008



Doug said...

This electoral process is becoming quite insane. Here we have Guam and soon Puerto Rico electing delegates to select a Democratic candidate that they ultimately won't even be able to vote for. Puerto Rico will probably lean heavily to Clinton. I'm not sure that the experts have a good handle on how American Samoa and the US Virgin Islands will go. Add to this Hillary's incessant squealing about counting the votes in Michigan (where she ran unopposed)and it's enough to make you long for Ralph Nader again. And while still unlikely it's possible that those delegates from Puerto Rico could swing the nomination to Hillary and ultimately deprive the millions of voters that voted for Obama and that can also vote in November the opportunity to select him over the Republican nominee.
In this of all years if the Democrats can't find a candidate to take the White House back then they lose all credibility and viability as a political force, if they had any left to begin with. Jesus all they have to do is find somebody with a pulse that can give people hope that they'll be even a teensy weensy bit better than the guy that promises little more than four more years of the last eight years.
End rant.
Happy Sunday everyone!

Dave said...

To quote the savage nation...
"liberalism is a mental disorder"
"borders, language, culture"

Ric Larson said...

Dave, I was actually on the 'Mike Savage Nation show' (AM radio)about 2 years ago. He could not believe that a 'Social Worker' could be a 'Conservative' living in New York. I proved him wrong. He too was also a Social Worker in New York many years ago. Love his radio show!

rac said...

I'm not really sure what defines a liberal or conservative these days. The words certainly don't have the same meaning they did a few years ago. I will say "conservatism" has become a lot less interesting over the years. It's as if free thinking has been eliminated from their masses. Everyone spouts the same crap over and over again. It's as if they were all robots programed by Rupert Murdok himself.

And just for the record, at one time I was a true blue Reagan Republican (he was the first president I ever voted for). But that was before the “Moral Majority” hijacked the party. Now I consider myself an independent; somewhere between fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Though admittedly I haven’t voted Republican since the elder Bush outlawed federal funding of stem cell research; that’s when I knew the party had finally sold out.

"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State." Letter of Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association

rac said...

"This Republican Party of Lincoln has become a party of theocracy."
U.S. Representative Christopher Shays, R-CT, (New York Times 3/23/05)

Doug said...

Conservative: an individual that is certain that they are of the high moral ground on all things socio-economic-political and anyone that doesn't share their point of view is obviously an idiot/communist/homo loving/sister screwing atheist/terrorist loving hater of the American Way.

Liberal: an individual that is certain that they are of the high moral ground on all things socio-economic-political and anyone that doesn't share their view is obviously an idiot/Bible thumping/war mongering/homophobic/sister screwing/neo-nazi hater of the American Way.

I fall somewhere in between.

DRL said...

I love politcal debates.
I will start this with, I am a conservitive.
I think it is great that Guam and Puerto Rico have a say in the nomonie. They at least have more say than they have.
I find it funny that Clinton wants to count the two states that couldn't be counted until she ran unaposed. Obama at least held to the agreement that they wouldn't campain in those states. How can she be trusted???
As I said I am a conservitive, but I do not agree with using degrading names or sayings to insult your opponent. I don't agree with Liberals, but I will not call them names or say that they have a mental disorder because of disageeing with me.
RAC, remember that we need to look at the content of the letter that was writen by the Bishop of the Danbury Babtist Ass.. I do have a problem when anything is taken out of context, such as a verse out of the Bible. In the letter, the Bishop was worried that "the free exercise of religion". He was worried that the Goverment would tell him how his Church was to be run. His fears have been shown to be real. The Goverment has controlled the free practice of religion. And as the comments have shown, it is the Conservitive Christians that take the brunt of the Goverment controll. Remember Clinton used the RICO act to go after Conservitiv Christians for standing on sidewalks in front of abortion clinics. They were non violent, but were still arrested. In Madison Wiscosin a fireman was takent to court for showing a fellow fireman a christian tract when asked how he felt about abortion. The letter from President Jefferson (many years after the Constitution and 1st 10 amendments(bill of rights) were writen) was simply to tell the Bishop that the Govt. would stay out of Church buisness.
The republican party has not been run by the "Moral Majoraty". Our nomonie is for abortion, but he is still our nomonie.
Doug, I don not think that a conservitine or liberal stand on a "high moral ground". That may be presieved by outsiders, and niether are perfect. By defenition a Conservitive wants to keep things the way they were intended by the founders. A liberal wants to change things to fit what they think things should be for the present time. I believe what the founding fathers believed this country should be is correct. What the liberals want the country to become is wrong.
Oh and I believe it was Bush 43 that you were talking about, not Bush 41. It is not on the legalaty of stem cell research, but the Fedral funding of fetal stem cell research. The debate of stem cell research is not the on adut or even umbilical cord stem cell. It is on fetal stem cell research. Bush 41 and 43 are for adult stem cell research. As a believer in the "right to life", Killing an unborn child for research is uncontainable. Why should the Fedral goverment fund the killing of unborn children?

Doug said...

I guess my point was that there is too much digging in of heels and finger pointing for any meaningful change to occur.
There is very little daylight between the Republican & Democratic parties. Their prime directive is maintaining or gaining power and they are both slaves to their corporate masters.
I have a general disdain for labels as they tend to pigeonhole and typecast what is usually a fairly complex and unique individual that is a human being. We all have been shaped in a large part by the commonality of our island upbringing. An absolutely life changing experience that none of us could think of having grown up without. After that we are as unique as wind driven snowflakes.
There is no label that would do this group justice except maybe different like everybody else and I would not have it any other way.

DRL said...

I forgot, girls do get involved with such political debates. Cindy, Pat, Joanna, Juls, Sarah,and whoever I forgot. I have been lambaste by the best of them, and I love it. But if the girls want to go at it, I too love a good cat fight, bring mud. oh yea, I'm there.
Lets just remember to keep it out of any personal shots.

DRL said...

Doug well spoken. I agree that those who represent us are more interested in maintaining there office than carring for thier constiuants. I recall it said earlier (Joanna, our historian, may remember who commented on the same thing) that same sentiment. I believe in labels or titles whe it describes one self. I, as I have said, am a Conservitive. I, as I have also said, do not like when someone else defines what I am. For example, I am for the war on terror. I am for the fight in Iraq, I am not a "war mongor" as it has been said about Bush or other republicans (even that of our nomonie for President).
I loved the analogy of "wind driven snowflakes. We, up close, are individuals. When looked at from afar, we are one blanket of snow.

mat said...

Doug is right as always that they are all assholes. To bad that we do'nt have much choice in as much as all the candidates are the same. All the career politicians need to go. Will we survive as a nation? Sure. We survived assasinations,8 years of Clinton and 8 years of Bush so we will be fine. But so sad that we keep electing the same butt holes over and over.

mat said...

Oh and I don,t think Bush is all that bad but we do need to get some new blood in washington.

DRL said...

Matt, I agree with you, just hate to say that all 3 contenders for President are seated Senetors. No new blood here.

Anonymous said...

Again, I am staying out of this cat fight since I like baseball, bb-q and beer better. But I will stand by and watch.

DRL said...

Hey as far as these cat fights go, can we have them in mud. I love womens mud wrestling. oh yea.

illustrationISM.... said...

If PRO is the opposite of CON -
what is the opposite of PROGRESS?

DRL said...

Mark, good one

Ric Larson said...

drl, jello wrestling is even better!

Cindy said...

I'm staying out of this one all know that I'm pretty liberal. I love reading all of your comments all are so smart and do such a good job expressing yourselves...the parents would be proud...and I love that we're all different..makes life interesting. I do think it's wrong the people of Guam are US citizens, but don't get to vote unless they become a resident of a US state.

Ric Larson said...

Here in New York, (at least those that I associate with), just keep saying "just go away Hillary...just go away". She got re-elected in New York as one of our Senators, but don't know any one that ever voted for her?

DRL said...

Cindy, are you staying out of the POLITICAL DEBATE, CAT FIGHT!!!!!!, MUD WRESTLING,or JELLO WRESTLING. We would aaaalllll like to see you in the Jello wrestlign.

rac said...

DRL, I applaud your detailed research even if I don't agree with many of your interpretations. It's amazing how two people can look at the exact same thing and yet see two entirely different objects. Still, you seem to have put a great deal of effort into forming your OWN opinions... and that I do respect. Due diligence is not normally found in this sound bite society.

rac said...

I would like to add how fortunate we are to have you as a contributor Doug. Your writing continues to amaze and humble me. I do hope you some day publish that book lurking inside of you. "As the hunted becomes the hunter"

Doug said...

thanks for those kind words. I think sometimes I get a little carried away and become verbose and long winded. Kind of like those long evening discussions on whatever would come to mind out in front of the Copeland/Jones/Carraways house. You know, you'd sit on the curb that was still warm from being in the sun all day and just talk about anything and anybody until somebody's mom finally came and broke up the party. I had an instructor that once described my writing as something like "fairly skilled and well structured but at the same time nebulous and disjointed". I still am not sure exactly what that means except to be reasonably certain it is a style that would not sell many books.

DRL said...

RAC, aint if funny how people just are wrong when they don't agree with me, ha haa haaa haaaahaahahahaaahahhahaaaaaaaa, oh, my side hurts.
talk to me later

rac said...

And Einstein failed math. Put me down for an autographed copy Doug.

rac said...

For the record DRL, your definitions are correct:

1. reluctance to accept change: unwillingness or slowness to accept change or new ideas
2. right-wing political viewpoint: a right-of-center political philosophy based on a tendency to support gradual rather than abrupt change and to preserve the status quo
3. desire to preserve current societal structure: an ideology that views the existing form of society as worthy of preservation

1. progressive views: a belief in tolerance and gradual reform in moral, religious, or political matters
2. politics political theory stressing individualism: a political ideology with its beginnings in western Europe that rejects authoritarian government and defends freedom of speech, association, and religion, and the right to own property
3. economics free-market economics: an economic theory in favor of free competition and minimal government regulation
4. christianity Christian theological movement: a movement in Protestantism stressing intellectual freedom and the moral content of Christianity over the doctrines of traditional theology

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Something tells me the folks at Microsoft are a bunch of pinko commie baby killing welfare mother crack smoking take-it-up-the-ass cross dressing tree hugging socialist french kissing devil worshipping god hating athiest liberals. ;-)

DRL said...

RAC, You are good. you express what is trying to be said much better. I say what comes out of my brain like a 3rd grader. Your research is sencond to none.Thanks.

Ric Larson said...

Doug, I didn't know you that well back in the day. You may, or may not have been one of the many guys that there fist's kissed my face at a very high rate of speed, (rather or not I deserved it)? But I must also agree with the RAC'miester' that your contributions and posts are very well written, quite accurate and factual. I do enjoy your written responces, even if I did not respond to some of them. And if I did not respond to them, is because I could not debate your comments.

Enjoy your reads Doug! Keep them coming!