Thursday, May 8, 2008


Any advice on a child just turning 15, who thinks he knows everything? And stronger than me?


DRL said...

Sorry Pat, both mine are girls. So I scare the boys that come around with intimidation, rocky mountain oysters in jars and wepons. In your case the best thing I can say is that I two favorit quoats.
1. I believe it was Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain) that said, "When I was 17, I could not believe how stupid my dad was. When I turned 21, I could not believe how much he had learned".
2. I don't know who said it, but I love this saying. "GOD made teenagers act the way they do, or we would never want them to leave home".
Hope something helped, oh, have you tried Jack Diniels?

pat said...

thanks DRL...Sorry, I didn't mean to post this twice. Guess I was desperate for 5 over it. lol...we all do.

DRL said...

This is weird (stranger than me). I only see 2 posts now. the one that was not here earlier is now here and my cosby one is gone. TWILITE ZONE.
any way, where was I, oh yes, you are getting lots of good advice, oh yea, duct tape and throu him in a closet. Hey, I thank you for saying hald black and half white. don't call him a frikn american (thanks RAC). He is a wounderful kid. every one of our parent wanted to throu us off the edge of the world (they use to think the earth was flat back then). Hang in there baby. in 100 years we will all look back and laugh.

pat said...

DRl, thanks to you honey, I don't have to wait 100 years to laugh, 'cause you made me already.

Dave said...

Raising teens is hard. I went through it with my oldest daughter and now with my 13 and 19 year old sons... and a 12 year old, soon to be teen daughter right behind them.
By the time we get to Vegas Baby... I'm gonna be ready for a break. But juls is right, you gotta use tough love and stand your ground. Think back to when we were teens in Dean's Circle. Would you want to be in your parent's shoes? I wouldn't.

Sarah said...

My son is 12 and thinks he knows everything. Just this morning he perfected disrespect when he said, "Word, dude!" when he really meant, "Yes, mom."

P.S. He's 6 feet tall and weighs more than 200 lbs. Plus blue eyes that sparkle when he's trying to charm me out of/in to something.


Ric Larson said...

Pat, wish I could give you advise on this one, but I can't. I have a 16 year old daughter, first year in college. Yes, she knows it all, so she tells me.

I'm sure you son can be a tough cookie, but you are his Mom. And as a rotten child that I was at that age, I can assure you that deep down, he loves you!

pat said...

Dang, Wow, you guys sure can make a mom feel good. (was gonna say ya'll) but I know you make fun of me.
HAPPY MOMS DAY all you moms. I think we all are right? yep...pretty sure.