Tuesday, May 13, 2008


After painting, cleaning, packing, and moving every day for the past week and a half (I'm still not done..lol)I have a new found admiration for any of you (RAC) who has moved more than a couple of times in their adult lives. I've also discovered that I have too much stuff (junk) and have seriously considered several times during the past week chucking it all but a small suitcase and going to live in a grass hut somewhere...lol.


Ric Larson said...

Gosh, I'm feeling pretty all alone out here, for the exception of a few. It has been very quiet on the blog.

But yes Cindy, I must agree with you, moving sucks big time! Done it more times that I ever wanted to..but still see in my 'crystal ball' that my moving days are not over, yet.

It is amazing how much stuff one gathers over time. Don't realize it until you move. What to save, what to trash?

Nice home!

pat said...

hey, remember sis when we had to leave all our friends from Guam. We wore the lais and cried our eyes out. I knew I would never see them again...this is really cool. I got to see doug...well not really see him..just remember.

Ric Larson said...

Pat, when I left Guam in 1979 to join the Army, I too thought that I would never see or hear from any one else again from the 'Circle' or Guam. It was a very sad time for me. But this very blog 'alone' has revived my "you would never believe what happened to me"!

In short, I would like to say that it is good to be at home again!

Cindy said...

I remember when we left Guam , Mom and Dad could fit everything we owned (for a family of 5) in the back of a Datsun pick up truck.

Dave said...

13 moves down (since 1977) and 1 to go... until the next one. The Dean's Circle blog is a nice place to settle down and sink in some roots, having good friends all around.

Doug said...

Eight times since we left the island. Sucks more and more each time.

pat said...

Ric, you were just a baby, but doug,dave, alice, wendy and I were daredevils!!

pat said...

yes, and that orange Datsun pickup was my first car.

Ric Larson said...

Hey Pat, psst (I am the same age as Alice).

Joanna said...

Alice's age? Alright that must make sense.Pat, Thanks for mentioning my sis Alice. I miss her dearly.I guess it won't go away until I see her again:)

Ric Larson said...

Pat, do you remember Sam's yellow Datsun pickup truck?