Saturday, April 26, 2008

Food Fight

It appears that panic has set in. My wife just returned from the grocery store with reports there was no milk and only 2 bags of rice on the shelves. She said people were buying large plastic containers in which to store their food supplies. A woman in line told her people were practically fighting at Costco's the day before. Of course it doesn't help when the Wall Street Journal fans the flames by recommending we "Load Up the Pantry."

So I've decided not to join in the panic. Rather than stock up on food, I'm going to stock up on bullets. They say a well armed man can find something to eat anytime day or night. ;-)


Doug said...

There are a number of factors at play here but the main culprit is the well intentioned but severely misguided boondoggle that is ethanol from corn.
As the demand for ethanol from corn has increased more and more farmers have moved their crops to corn away from wheat and rice. Less wheat, rice and corn for human consumption coupled with rising worldwide demand equals higher prices. Higher wheat prices also mean higher feed prices for cattle and dairy farmers, so high that literally tens of thousands of head of cattle are being slaughtered and sent to market leading to (relatively speaking) cheap beef. If you don't think it's cheap now wait oh about 12 months or so. Add on merciless inflationary pressure from energy costs and an ever devaluing dollar and you find yourself in the current clusterfuck that is todays global commodities market.
The real kicker is that there is no net gain in energy when you compare e-85 fuel to regular gas. MPG tends to go down when e-85 is used so there really is no good justification for converting corn to fuel.
This reality is just now sinking in worldwide. In short order you will see many US farmers moving back to wheat and rice because there's plenty of money to be made there. In time worldwide shortages should ease. Unfortunately this will not help with the immediate crisis facing many of the developing countries. When you see jackasses in this country fighting over a 50 lb bag of rice at the local SaveCo one can only thank the almighty that you don't live in Bangaladesh.

Anonymous said...

Very well stated Doug, I think I learned more from your post than I have reading about it in the papers.

Joanna said...

Doug and Juls, I really didn't see the problem until now. Except I did see tiny children who were Filipino's trying to share a small plate of rice. I showed my daughter in hopes that she'd see that she doesn't have it bad at all. Drama Queen:)Doug you are so honest. Thanks for the eye opener.

Joanna said...

Who from Dean's Circle that has gone to Bali? Rice is few and far between and they pick it stalk after stalk...then carry it on their heads(the females for the most part) I saw a woman with a basket on her head,another in her arms and a small babybin the other. We are fortunate here in the U.S.:)

DRL said...

Doug, well said, this is a part of the debate on "alternative fuel" that is not well understood. You do and articulated it well.
In the trucking industry, "Bio Diesel" is the big thing. Well, just as you stated, if you take the wheet and rice out the equasion for "Bio fuel", where will the food source be for us or stock (remember, animals such as pigs and cows eat corn).
A simple argument was a viecle that ran on H2O. splitting the Hydrogen and Oxegen molecules. Hydrogen to fuel, and Oxegen to feed the combustion. Please try to emagine what water would cost and the need of fresh water for fuel, rather than drinking or watering crops.
"Soilent green" a prediction.

Doug said...

The late great astrophysicist Isaac Asimov first theorized about the potential for hydrogen protopile propulsion in the '50's. Aside from the obvious benefit of hydrogen being one of the most common elements on earth the effluent created by hydrogen power would be...water. Obviously we are some time removed from this technology but with gas prices headed north of $4 a gallon I am fairly secure in the opinion that American ingenuity will again prove to be the salvation of future generations.
Necessity is the mother of invention.

DRL said...

Doug, correct as ussual. Mankind has aloway, through any adversary(sp chk), came throug high and dry. it is finding the balance that is important. Althou fossil fuel will almost assuredly always be with us, it is pertinent that we find other sorces of energy, JUST DON'T TAKE MY RICE OFF THE SHELFS, thank you (my impersination of Sister Mary Elifent)

Ric Larson said...

Bullets? Claymore mines baby! ;)

rac said...

And if we can't figure out how to run our cars off of hydrogen, I'm sure we can figure out how to blow something up with it.

Great commentary Doug.

Joanna said...

Watch out for what you say,big brother is looking. You know what I'm saying. My big brother Sam;)

Doug said...

Speaking of Big Brother okay so a guy I work with is ex military and he's telling me a few weeks back about what he thinks is going to happen next presidential election.
He tells me that along about late October or so there will be a big national security crisis, like really big. Like wrath of God big. In the interest of the security of the people President Bush will declare martial law, suspend habeous corpus as well as the upcoming election. Now remember this is what HE is saying not me and so I'm thinking yeah right whatever go put on your tin foil hat and leave me to my lunch.
So anyway the other night I happen to catch Dick Cheney on the news and he's saying something to the effect that Americans would be willing to sacrifice their freedom for security. Okay well umm no not really but anyways now it comes out that Homeland Security has established several massive campsites in the event large scale "processing centers" should be required for whatever reason. One of these is located near Columbus GA which is about 100 miles or so from here. This thing is like the size of Manhattan.
And now, well last night but close enough we hear of the potential clear and present danger presented by some kind of nuke plant in Syria and how high level discussions are taking place between Israel & the US as to how best to incinerate these douchebags once and for all. So anyways I'm thinking well yeah it's probably not a good thing for a bunch of sexually repressed, towel headed goat farmers to possess nuclear weapons technology but I gotta' ask. Does this constitute a clear and present danger? What are they going to do, get like 200 of their people to throw a nuke at us?
But I digress. The Big Brother thing. Under the auspices of the Patriot Act our federal government is spending thousands of man hours monitoring web transmissions and transactions and yes that includes blog postings. Through web bots or spiders they search for key words and we can only wonder what those words might be but it doesn't take a whole lot of imagination.
So lets review, "processing centers"...code orange national security status...clear and present danger...routine and unregulated government oversight of freedom of expression.
Where's my tin foil hat.

rac said...

Makes you wonder if that's not the purpose of the current "food crises." Get us all stocked up on supplies before the lights go out. Oh and Doug, I probably have a couple extra hats I could send you. What size do you need?

Ric Larson said...

Well, if there really ever is a serious food crisis, I know where I am moving too...Utah or Idaho! They have lots of ammo and food! :)

Ric Larson said...

Doug, I've been to Bangledash, as my brother Dave (DRL) and sister Desi have. Desi actually lived there for quite a few years after college and married a nice gentlmen from there. I spent six weeks there on vacation/work (mainly vacation). I had to do some work for the Military Attache with the US Embassy when I was just a young 2nd LT. in the Army Reserve. Half my family lived there for quite some time, and my niece and nephew are half Bangledashie. I have seen the poverty first hand, and the great people that came out of the Country.

Doug, you commentaries are so great!


rac said...

Yeah Ric, I'm not so sure moving to Utah is such a great idea. Some friends and I have a theory about why they brought in all us outsiders; they plan on using us as a food source. In fact, if you’re not a local, I can guarantee this is the last place in the World you want to be when they turn off the lights. You would have better odds surviving in the middle of Compton.

Ric Larson said...

RAC, If I were to say that I am kin to the Osmonds, would I get a pass or eat'n alive? ....Just think'n, think I'll battle it out here in Crompond, New York. ;)

rac said...

The scary thing is a great number of people believe the scenario Doug writes about is a very real possibility. Humanity is quickly reaching a critical mass where demand for resources will exceed the available supply. At some point something has to give. Don't think the people in control (and I'm not talking about the government here) don't realize this. Try googling such statements as population control and eugenics and see what kind of verifiable historical information you will find (once you filter through the bullshit). We've been fortunate to have lived in times of relative milk and honey; that may not always be the case. History has shown we have a way of culling the herd with large scale genocide and war. What about us has changed to prevent it from happening again?

rac said...

Ric, being related to the Osmonds just means you'll require less seasoning. ;-)

Dave said...

Big brother is alive and well... and has his eyes and ears on all of us, in more ways than you may realize. Surveillance we are under.

DRL said...

One thing I can say about being in a Mormon community, is we are taught to have a 2 year supply of food in our basemnt. That with plenty of ammo and a great supply of implants (outsiders, fresh meat, oh yea), we will outlast the opacalyps. It was funny (ironic) when the big Y2K threat was looming around the world, we had no idea what the problem was.

mat said...

Having an emergency supply of food and essentials is always a good idea. Here in Colorado they recommend that you should keep a
stash of stuff in your car as well just in case of blizzards and other things such as floods and what not. Theres nothing wrong with being prepared.Growing up on
Guam I think gives us an advantage over a lot of statesiders. Remember Typhoon condition 2? Thats when everyone ran to Payless
and waited in line for batteries and candles (which they should have had anyway because the govGuam
couldn't keep the power on anyways). Oh, they still can't.

mat said...

Oh yea and the Spam. And you made sure you had enough Bud for the storm (bof kinds)!hahaha!

DRL said...

RAC, on your note about outsiders. We up here say the same thing. We love it when Califonians move in, they eat alot of granola. We love grain fed meat. And you Utards are carrot snappers. Vegie fed, yummmm.

DRL said...

RAC, don't get me wrong, I still LOVE my pink meat.

rac said...

David Rockefeller speaks about population control.

rac said...

Ted Turner speaks about population control.

illustrationISM.... said...

that's the same guy who said all the computers would shut down at 12 midnight january 1st, 2K!

Joanna said...

Doug, You're quite unique in your views. Can't believe you were flippin the bird many,many moons ago:)I thought that you'd end up in you know where...bad boys but, everyone was young and that must have been the "In" thing,my daughter was shocked;) Too much private school maybe.

Anonymous said...

drl, you crack me up, do you have any recipies for Cali's and Utard's? I love vegitarian's, they taste delicious!

Anonymous said...

Doug, I love it when you post. Your not afraid to tell it like it is and no worries with being PC. Keep it up, you are an ispiration to us all.

Anonymous said...

Mark, how can Y2K be January 1st at midnight? Isn't that about 24 hours past the time? Remember when Newman (on Seinfeld) sent out his invitations for his Y2K party, and the date was January 1st 2000? One year too late.

DRL said...

Oh yea jusl, and they don't have any preservitives.

illustrationISM.... said...

IT CAN be January 1st, 2K at EXACTLY MIDNIGHT!
It's still December 31st up to 11:59 and then when
11:59 'ticks' to 12:00 (when dec. 31st is over) -
it's 12:00 a.m. the next day, January 1st!
Which is just a minute, 12:00am - 12:01am BUT
it is (was) Midnight - January 1st, 2000.

sorry about the older brother lesson....