Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Perfect Spam

My Yahoo email account usually does a pretty good job of filtering out spam from my inbox. However, this morning an obvious piece of junk mail made it through the filters. This message was unusual in that instead of a link to their web site, it directed you to a Google search string. Knowing the link would be safe my curiosity got the best of me and I clicked it. Sure enough, it took me to a Google search page with a single returned entry - someone selling fake Rolex watches. Brilliant I thought! Now if only we could get these people to put that ingenuity to good use.


DRL said...

RAC, I have heard it said of people, "if he worked just as hard at getting out of work as he did working, he would go a long way", or some variance or it. This I think works for "ingenuity".

DRL said...

Deception does not always need Ingenuity.

Ric Larson said...

How do you put a crook to good work? Maybe to go after worse crooks? You got me on this one RAC'ster?

DRL said...

JULS, you go girl!!!

Anonymous said...

I moved my comment to the other post DRL, I put it in the wrong place. Sorry dude

DRL said...

Juls, I figured as much, but it was still GREAT. I don't have sound on my work comp, and the sound quit my home comp, but I am sure you commentated on it great.

Joanna said...

RAC,ingenuity is what's missing. Come on fake Rolex watches. I have many ideas that could sell on E-Bay.