Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Here you go Doug


rac said...

And let's not forget the far reaching powers Bill Clinton gave FEMA through his executive orders. Those powers enabled FEMA to legally take control of state and local governments during Katrina. Not that it was a bad thing, as the locals turn out to be completely incompetent, just an interesting side note.

The point is this is not a partisan matter. The America of today is not by law the same America it was a few decades ago. Whether that's an improvement or not is certainly open for debate.

Doug said...


Ric Larson said...

A citizen should never have to fear there own goverment.

Anonymous said...

Yikes is right!

Common sense has been replaces with regulation and law. Personal responsibility to Government's control. Doesn't matter if you are liberal or conservative, we all see this happening. Individual rights are slipping away from us little by little. Like it or not, we could see during our day and age an uprising, or revolution of either side of the political fence. I don't doubt that Marshal Law could be enacted in this country during a disaster. I do however believe it would be due to the massive chaos caused by looting, riots and panic of opportunists that would need to be subdued. The problem with taking away guns from everyone during a disaster to control the violence is the government would also be removing them from honest, sensible people that need to defend their families and selves.

That video looked like it was highly edited, especially the ending which was a message from what looked like a minister that was using "Free to submit to authority" in the possible context of Christian doctrine of God's authority. Adding Oliver North to the picture just makes the video look like a cheap attempt to poke at the fears of Americans. I don't discount any of these scenes in the video as real and posible reality, but I don't allow myself to be manipulated by it either. Looks like propaganda to me.

DRL said...

RAC, I believe it was George H. Bush who, throught executive order, enpowered FEMA(who was inept themselfs) to control the local goverments during Katrina. Sometimes the goverment needs to, for the safety of its citizens, enact stringent actions agains the populous. I believe that the reson the 2nd Amendmet exists is so that the goverment can't control or over power the people (this is up for debate). I carry a concealed wepon because the goverment is not where they are needed at most crimes. I will protect myself and anyone around me from a violent crime.

Ric Larson said...

You are so correct DRL. The purpose of the 2nd amendment was so that the people should never have to fear the goverment that is suppose to serve the people. This would be the peoples means (if warrented) to correct a corrupt goverment.

Anonymous said...

One would think that the hours after 911 that the government would have needed to enact Marshal law in New York to maintain peace and order. The opportunity for panic was at an all time high, after all, terrorist had attacked and killed thousands on our own soil. Why instead did the police force, firefighters, New Yorkers and volunteer citizens instead pulled together and acted according to reason, cooperation, strength, and honor?

Lets look at New Orleans after Katrina. Panic, looting, riots, corruption and blame throwing was the result of a natural disaster. My first reaction is to think that maybe, poverty, ignorance, a feeling of entitlement had something to do with the results? Then I try to put myself into the shoes of those that lost their lives in New Orleans. Mostly the poor who had no where to go or the means to get to high and dry safe ground. Who's responsibily is that? First comes self, then comes community, then local government, and then federal government.

I admit I don't know much about FEMA or the executive order that was put into effect during that time but I have seen many typhoons blow across Guam and the citizens of the island pulled together to house, feed and provide for those people that lost their homes. There may have been looters looking for opportunities there. I don’t know. There may have been citizens that blamed the government for the wind blowing their homes away. Correct me if I am wrong.

rac said...

Awesome feedback everyone. Juls, you make a number of really great points. One, the film reeks of propaganda. Still, the majority of the content is essentially true; it's only the presentation that is slanted.

I also like your point that the real threat lies within. With our recent writings on this topic I came up with what I call the single bullet theory. Let's say Obama gets the nomination. Billy Bob Joe from Alabama decides there "ain't gonna be no negro President" and takes aim with his deer rifle. One shot later the media, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Obama's former preacher work the nation into a frenzy with their rhetoric. Our cities come to a complete halt as they erupt into violence (remember LA, Miami and Detroit). Martial law is declared and the people welcome it with open arms... at least for the first few months anyway.

rac said...

"Most people see George Orwell’s 1984 (published 1949) as fiction, but Orwell had been a Fabian Socialist and was actually warning people about a planned future dictatorship under Big Brother. When Big Brother’s agent O’Brien is torturing Winston, who eventually reluctantly submits, O’Brien tortures him again and Winston is bewildered because he has already submitted. However, O’Brien explains that the goal is to have people submit not out of fear, but because they have actually come to love Big Brother and his rule over them."

Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.

Doug said...

I guess i don't have a huge problem with the Fed having a mechanism for imposing martial law in the event of man made or natural disaster if it is done in the manner intended. To restore order, provide for the common defense and protect infrastructure.
The inherent problem with this Federal authority is its potential for abuse and misuse as well as a reluctance to rescind this ultimate governmental power over its minions once imposed.
That said, what we are seeing over time is unfortunately more insidious than something as Draconian as imposition of martial law. It is a slow erosion of personal freedoms. From routine monitoring of telephone and web transmissions to asset seizures and indefinite imprisonment of american citizens without charge, all in the name of fighting terrorism.
Juls you are correct that the video is obviously slanted. I think that a majority of what we see and hear is reported by someone with an agenda. It's up to us to use the brains God gave us to cut through the bullshit. It is also my opinion that we should jealously guard our personal freedoms granted by our forefathers and the Almighty.
To do otherwise would be a disservice and dishonor to all that have fought and died so that this great experiment in self government does not perish from the earth.
That's all I have to say about that.

illustrationISM.... said...

Police State - Food Shortage - World Wide Panic....
Let's Go to Vegas Baby!!!!!!

pat said...

I'm reading every ones comments and agree with most. When you bring up govt.(big brother), I'm not as intellectual as y'all and you're looking at a bigger picture than me.
What I worry about these last several months is having to watch friends and GOOD next door neighbors losing their homes to foreclosure. They only ask for a little time, a little help and the big banker doesn't try and doesn't care to work with them. we're losing our wonderful, giving, hard working, tax paying friends and where is our big brother to help them? Where's FEMA? If this isn't a disaster, what is?

Doug said...

you have to be named Bear Stearns to qualify for a government bailout.
ps nice to see you back.

Anonymous said...

I understand your merciful feelings you have Pat towards your neighbors loosing their homes, I too see that happening to some of my friends. But I don't want my taxes (starts with big brother) to pay to get them out of their financial predicament. I live in a very modest home, and not indebt to my eyeballs. Again for me it is personal responsibility. Yes this is a crisis, one that the mortgage lenders need to address on a personal level by give home owners an opportunity to re-finance to a rate where they can keep their homes. Government should stay out of it. For me that means live within my means, and negotiate with my lenders.

DRL said...

Pat, I know you don't agree with me on any issue like this, but I have to say....
I am one who believes that we have to be resposible whith what choises we make. I know that bad things happen to good people, but the people I know that have faced reposetion of any kind spent out of thier range. I live in the oldest part of my town. My house was built in 1920. I have friends who said they would not live in my naborhood, or live in a house as small as mine. So they buy out of there range and loose the house, or car, or boat or whatever. Why should I pay higher taxes so that they can stay in the house. Why not reposes the house and sell it to someone who can afford it? I know I sound heartless, but I am tired of paying higher taxes so people don't have to work as hard as I do, or live in as low conditions as I do.

pat said...

okay, just was putting in my two "sense".

DRL said...

Pat, you do great. I agree there is a problem as you do. Just different ways is all.

Good to see you back again.

See me in Vegas Baby.

Anonymous said...

I want to hear anyones 2 Cents, that is what makes the DC blog great, is everyones smart input. Maybe together we can save the world!!

Pat are you coming to Vegas Baby??

DRL said...

Pat, I checked. Got my abicus out and everstuff. You are going to have to rais it to at least 25 cents. 2 cents of gas won't get you very far these days.

Cindy said...

Today I am closing on a house that was in foreclosure. I was able to buy it for less than 1/2 of what it sold for 2 years ago. I don't know what the situation was with the former owners but the house was obviously well-loved and I'm sorry they lost their home but very excited about being able to buy it for myself.

I agree with those that say our taxes should not be used to bail out people who make poor choices with their money and I also agree that people should be helped to refinance with interest rates they can afford. That said, I hope I'm making a good decision myself. I had to put down 20%...as it should be ... (Thank you Mom and Dad!!!)and have a fixed 6% loan. I've been with the same employer for 28 years and although nothing in life is guaranteed my job is probably fairly recession-proof.

So, today is the start of a new adventure for me... on my own again, buying my first house on my own, turning 51 on Monday. Anyone who needs a little Florida sunshine getaway, I'm going to have a nice guestroom and I have a pool!!! And remember when you see me in Vegas Baby, I am going as a single woman and will behave as such....lol.

Cindy said...

I also want to add that the people I really feel for here in southwest Florida are the hard working people who were in construction and have lost their jobs and homes because the building industry here has taken such a downward turn. It has affected every other industry in our area including health care. There is currently a hiring freeze on at my hospital because our patient admissions (especially OB) are down with so many people leaving the area.

Joanna said...

You all are smart. I think I'm going to talk Sam into going because we have to take care of our Mom. Sam is extremely intellectual and very funny. He deserves a vacation. Oh but,Katrina showed us here how the U.S. can be third world. On Guam,if you don't die,someone will take you in until the typhoon has passed. Even if you die,they'll take you.

DRL said...

Joanna, that is one thing I remember extreemely well. Typhoon Pamela, 1 person died (heart atack if I remember). People on Guam know what to do and how dangerous they are. I think it was Hurricane Andrew (I might be wrong), the news showed people having "Hurricane Parties". It was as if they took it as a joke. I could not believe Before Katrina, they were not evacuating the City. It sits below sea level (not counting the surge).

Anonymous said...

Cindy, CONGRATS!!!!! I am excited for you!

Joanna said...

DRL, those were my thoughts too. It was like Bush saw it coming,knew the possibility was that it would barrel right toward the states. No real warning,no National Guardsmen/women were deployed. Heck here you have the village mayor going everywhere yelling through his loudspeaker's to secure and pull the shutters or run to a school.

Joanna said...

DRL, those were my thoughts too. It was like Bush saw it coming,knew the possibility was that it would barrel right toward the states. No real warning,no National Guardsmen/women were deployed. Heck here you have the village mayor going everywhere yelling through his loudspeaker's to secure and pull the shutters or run to a school.

Joanna said...

Ooops. double posted. Can Dave or Robert delete the double? Thank You:)

DRL said...

Joanna, yep. I hatted seeing all the school bussed under water that should have evacuated those who couldn't leave without help. But Bush did say 3 days in advance to evacuate, but it was the Mayor of New Orlean's didn't do anything. And the Governor (who is the only one who can call out the National Guard domesticly) wouldn't listen to Bush.
It was after Katrina that the Fedral Goverment failed to serve its people.

rac said...

Holy shit! I just found a video containing some of the rest of the sermon shown at the end of this clip. That guy if a frickin nut case. He makes Obama's preacher look seem as harmless as Big Bird.