Monday, April 21, 2008

Have We Talked About Spam???

I was talking to Chris Franquez the other morning and he was having Spam for breakfast. I had not thought about Spam in years!!! I used to like it just on a sandwich with lots of mustard.

According to Wikipedia, in the United States, the residents of Hawaii and Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands consume the most Spam per capita. On average, each person on Guam consumes 16 tins of Spam each year. Guam, Hawaii, and Saipan, have the only McDonald's restaurants that feature Spam on the menu and Burger King now offers Spam on their breakfast menu as well.


Ric Larson said...

Well, now I don't feel so bad. I love the stuff myself, and remember eating it on Guam, even had it in the school lunches.

I'm a picky eater. About once a week I will bring in a can of Spam to work and make sandwiches out of it.

Dave said...

I too love spam... sam-I-am... spam gumbo, spam stir-fry, spam louie, spam sandwich, broiled spam, barbequed spam, fried spam, spam kabobs, spam omelette, spam fritters, spam-n-rice....

tophersguam said...

Hi there will also have spam in Vegas I could tell of tree hotels that carry a menu of spam and fried rice !) Tropicana Hotel. 2) The Palms Hotel. 3) The California Hotel down town. Oh! I know of possibility two Chamorro type Restaurants in Vegas. I hope everyone soon Chris from Guam. and Cindy thanks for the spam memories
see you in Vegas

Joanna said...

Oh no spam in Vegas!Just Kidding. I like that parody "Spam, Spam, Spam ,everywhere there's Spam" by Monty Python:)

rac said...

They even have turkey Spam now. I picked some up for our father/son camping trip last weekend. I don't think the boy was all that fond of it. Come to think of it, I wasn't that fond of it either.

DRL said...

Cindy, the history of Spam is interesting. It became a stapel for the Military in the Pacific theater. The locals became acustom to it, and as you said it still is.
When I go camping, I still bring some and cook it over a fire. Idahoans think I am crazy, I mean more than normal.

illustrationISM.... said...

SPAM rox! there's a Guam Edition SPAM out there
that has a Shirley's Restaurant recipe (is it still located at Gibsons?) on the can! It's really HOT though!

'Spam 'n igs - spam 'n fry rice - spam sangwich
wif a pepsi -spam 'n kelguen...and i'm not pokee to umbee!'

mark @
illustrationISM &

DRL said...

Mark you crack me up

Ric Larson said...

RAC, I actually buy the turkey spam now, instaed of the original stuff, not as salty.

Becki said...

I used to love spam! Nothing satisfied the appetite more than fried spam after a day on the ocean fishing! Even my haolie husband acquired a taste for it. Ahhh, those were the days!

Anonymous said...

My friend Lori who grew up on Guam with me eats Spam and rice when ever her husband goes out of town on business. I still love it too, but when I eat it now, I swell up and retain water for days.

Joanna said...

A Haolie came here and decided he wanted to get the fat out so, he sliced it thin,fried it then put it in the microwave under paper towels. Spam chips. He lives in Saipan now. It tastes like chachalon:)

Rod said...

You haven't been anywhere until you visit the SPAM MUSEAUM!! OH, I KID YOU NOT!!

DRL said...

Rod, I think you kid me not. Scare me, yes, kid me, no. ha haa haaaa haaaahahahahahaahhh

I feel better now

Sarah said...

The only good spam is the stuff I get in the mail...really.

My sisters make "spambled" eggs for Christmas breakfast!
