Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Tribute to Sean - Alan Moore on Anarchism


Sean said...

RAC - you gotta be f-ing kidding me.

rac said...

And then Sean said; "any president who talks of 'bold actions' should be greeted with torches and pitchforks."

To which rac replied; "Hmmm, sounds a lot like anarchy to me."

mat said...

Really RAC.Are you for real? .000001% of the worlds population cause 99.99999%of the worlds problems? Classic the "haves" vs the "have nots".This shits great. I actually cracked up listening to this guy.Don't Bogart that joint my friend.hahahaha.Pass it over to me.

Dave said...

anarchy vs tyranny

mat said...

Oh yeah, Friggin hippie get a hair cut.Hahaha.

rac said...

Keep up with me mat, this is your guy not mine. I'm not the one advocating anarchy here.

Sean said...

Which one of "Mat's guys" is advocating anarchy?

mat said...

Just goes to show you that not everything is as it seems. I wouldn't touch this guy with a ten foot pole. FREAK! Read my other posts RAC.I just want the government off my case and out of my life.

Ric Larson said...

Yes sir, quite a few of us have the same beliefs as Mat, and I say this with much pride. But anarchism? Nah. Must have been some major league misinterpretations going on here.

mat said...

I'm not saying I'm opposed to anarchy I mean as a last resort but me thinks we're still a ways off from there. Our form of Government allows us to vote the assholes out at the next election. And I think as far as anarchy goes thats about as good as it gets for us. Where the problem lies is I believe there is still a silent majority in our country. Everybody knows one. They don't want to register to vote because then they might get called for jury duty. I think that more citizens are starting to look around at our economic situation and state of affairs and say "WTF" and are starting to get it. Anarchy no! But an awakening,maybe.On both sides.How did we get to this point. Next election cycle will definitely be interesting. I guess the old adage(thats my other ten dollar word for the day)is if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem still holds true.We shall see.

rac said...

Anarchism is to conservatism what socialism is to liberalism... think about it.

rac said...

Individualist anarchism: refers to any of several traditions that hold that "individual conscience and the pursuit of self-interest should not be constrained by any collective body or public authority"[1] and that the imposition of "the system of democracy, of majority decision" over the decision of the individual "is held null and void."[2] Benjamin R. Tucker, a famous individualist anarchist described by leading European individualist and author of 'The Philosophy of Freedom' Rudolf Steiner as one of the best of libertarians (ref Liberty vol xiii, no 11), held that "if the individual has the right to govern himself, all external government is tyranny."[3]

Sean said...

hmm - so calling me an anarchist is OK, but calling someone else a Nazi is grounds for legal action?

Nazi is "National Socialism".

Joanna said...

Robert,Keep on going.You are the mind I love to read about.Express yourself all the time:)There are people that think just like you!

rac said...

Thank you for emphasizing my point Sean. Being a liberal no more makes one a socialist than being a conservative makes one an anarchist. Point goes to the blue team!

Cindy said...

Good job Little Brother! I always say you are one of the smartest guys I know.

Sean said...

RAC - you started this post by implying that I am an anarchist. Now you say I'm illustrating your point which is completely different.

Which is it?

Sean said...

I would say that a "classic liberal" is not much of a socialist, but the current wave of "social liberal" is.

Doug said...

Since when is calling someone a Nazi grounds for legal action? If it is it didn't come from this end.
I see these references to the Nazi analogy that may have contributed to the meltdown of a week or two ago.
...Oh it was misunderstood... or ...Nazi stands for National Socialism...or...give the roman salute...
Yep, it is possible to have a pretty good understanding of the origins of 1930's German National Socialism and to still find great offense in it's use in comparisons to the President Of The United States.
Anybody ever think about naming their kid Adolph? Can anyone even recall ever knowing a kid with that name? Was that because naming one's child Adolph would surely place him automatically in the historical category of top ten arch villains of world history? I kind of think not. Baggage. That's why. It carries considerable weight.
I can see where it was used as an analogy. I get that. It sucked as an analogy but I got it.
I do ask that you do not insult my intelligence by insisting that it was a perfectly innocent attempt at drawing a historical parallel.
Repeated feeble and wounded references to some cynical liberal blog conspiracy to suppress free speech grow tiresome and monotonous.

mat said...

Thanks for that Doug. I started to post something to that effect and changed my mind.The word Nazi is getting thrown around too much in this forum and yes Doug by our side. It's like the "N" word. We can fight and argue without it.Lets keep it clean. There's a plethora(there I go with those 10 dollar words again)of research and such at our disposal with which to arm ourselves and defend our positions.Lets not sink to that level.

Sean said...

I really don't care the RAC associates my values with anarchism, he either doesn't understand what I'm saying or is just trying to goad me.

Yes, we did have a meltdown a couple weeks ago and, as I recall, several DC'ers were rather upset about being associated with Nazi's. A rather big deal was made about it - including some reference to legal action. I don't have all the details.

But, why is it no OK to call me an anarchist? I find it amusing that we seem to have two standards here.

mat said...

It doesn't matter Sean we're bigger than that. Anarchist is a generic term.Nazi is a name associated with a horrific event in history. Use it if you want but I won't. Call'em socialist dogs if you want. Come on we're above that. I'm not trying to be soft I just want to be able to get our point across.

rac said...

For the record Sean, I don't think you're an anarchist. This was all just a ploy to get YOU to make MY point for me. I'm surprised you didn't see it coming. But then you didn't have my debate coach either. I guess all those years of getting schooled by Doug have finally paid off. Thanks Coach. ;)

rac said...

BTW Sean - that deer in the headlight look - it suits you well. ;)

Doug said...

there is no double standard. We are all free to concoct, weave, engender and recite whatever rhetoric we can siphon through our brain stem in an attempt to make what we think is a valid point. Anyone that considers themselves a patriot should celebrate opposing thought.
That celebration does not include the right to make heinous comparisons to others that ride the fence line of slander.
The aforementioned near meltdown was not precipitated from this end. As has been mentioned earlier there were larger forces at play. These larger forces took exception to what could be construed as inflammatory remarks, whatever the author's intention and context.
From our perspective say what you like. Mark your territory and stand your ground. As an American it's our birthright. As a proud Dean's Circle rat it's as much in our programming as was jumping off the rock with one's dork swinging in the wind.
I think Dave has said it best. We are constantly being observed in just about everything we do. We should conduct ourselves accordingly.

Ric Larson said...

The following is all my own observation. Sir Mr. Doug'ster, I'm here not speaking for Sean but for myself. We (the Perdew-Larson Kids) do mark our territory and stand our ground to the bitter end when we feel that we are right or/are attacked! (And I am also proud to say that I did not see or read any personal attacks on this thread). This probably comes from our experience on Guam when we had no choice but to do so. Why waist the time or any energy standing a ground that you don't believe in? Pointless. I was sitting back on the side lines reading these postings and intellectual debates. (I did see a double standard from the get-go myself). But did not see any justification to intervene, since Sean was doing such a good job (never having had a debate coach himself) and making such logical good sense! I honestly feel that the RAC'ster did set a ploy for Sean. And I think Sean proved his case regarless. Then the scenario had to change from 'Sean being an anarchist' to 'this was just a ploy'. Sean, aside from being my brother, is a man of great logic, reason, and cause and effect reasoning type of a guy. I think he sees it and calls it as it is! (And I would dare not wont to debate him in a dark alley).
Would still love to sit around a camp fire with a few cold beverages and further discuss this with all of you! This is all a lot of fun and stimulating to the mind!
I respect all of you guys and your points of view!
Keep bogging dudes and dudets!

DRL said...

Doug, you may have missed it. Have RAC send you the comment by Juliet. She threatened me with legal action for using "ethnic" remarks, along with other things. Nazi was one of the things she mentioned.
But now that "ethnic" remarks have been made about us, and Juliet thinks it is fine, because of her lack of comment to Joanna/Sam. "Silence is consent". I will now not hold back. If you will let Joanna/Sam get away with it, then without bias, I can too.

mat said...

Yea what DRL said.Slice it and dice it however you want.

DRL said...

RAC, I can see your point. However, and yes you knew this was going to come, most liberals think that a socialistic sociaty is what is needed. Liberals want the goverment to take care of the people. Conservitives think that poeple should take care of themselvs. Churches/comunity orginisations/ groups-clubs(shriners is a great example).
But if you want to look at defonitons. Liberal is someone that wants to change the way things are, and conservitioves by defonition want to keep things the way the founders intended. If you read things like the Federalist Papers (RAC, I know you probably have) you will get the meaning of the founders of this country. I agree that the Republicans have had much to do with the downslide of the county.

DRL said...

And Sean, thank you. You are right. Calling Conservatives "stupid", "white trash", "morons"........................ is okay, but to say that our President is acting like the Nazi party (which is historically true) is grounds for legal action, and shutting down the blog????

DRL said...

Oh, Sean. I hate a double standard. If we can be degraded with ethnic slurs and demeaning remarks, then lets fire back!

DRL said...

Joanna/Sam. Why is it okay for RAC to express himself, but not okay for me to?????? You are the queen of the double standard, of course Juliet is the King, or Chancellor, or Fuhrer or whatever.

DRL said...

Cindy, You have always been so nice on the blog. Are you now agreeing that us conservatives are morons, oh that was Joanna/Sam. But do you agree that we are intellectually depraved, oh that was Juliet, socially inept because of poor spelling and grammar, oh that was Doug, morons, oh never mind, Whatever.

DRL said...

Doug and every one who is having a problem with me!
I name searched two states for the name Adolf.
Alabama 79
Florida 212

So, Hey there are people in the United states with the name Adolf. Maybe you should do a search fist.
As far as President "Hitler" Obama. If you can make fun of Bush, and I googled "Bush" on our blog search, and almost every time a liberal mentioned "Bush", it was not only negative, but insulting. Do you need any examples?

Once again, I will ask you Doug.

Why the double standard?????

DRL said...

Ric said it the best. Let us all agree to disagree and go on. But remember that you may be insulted by the word Nazi, good, I am too and that is what bothers me the most about this administration and congress. That is my feeling on it. If I am wrong, so be it, but I take just as much offence at being called a moron or ass.
Let us sit around the proverbial camp fire and drink some brewskies (well I'll take a couple root beers) and hash it out with fair play and pride. If you know that calling me "stupid" in any word you wish, but know I will take it as "stupid", why do it?
Oh, if you google "Bush/Nazi" you will get allot of hits where the national media put the two together. I haven't heard any of you discount this???? I have not heard any one on the left try to suppress any demeaning remarks toward those on the right. I can see that if you agree with them, even if they are wrong(as in the cruel treatment of those of us on the right). No one told Juliet to calm it down. I was threatened or warned off the blog in a personal conversation, with removal (pulling the plug) if I did not back off, or continued. I apologised to RAC in a personal email. He would not respond to it. I also commended him for being the bigger man in the "melt down". It meant nothing to him, I am guessing because of no response back to me. Juliet has been hailed as a great person worthy of praise on this blog, but never asked to reconcile. She does not think that she has done anything wrong. Yet you say there is no double standard? As long as we on the right are attacked with hate speech, I assure you, we will not sit still for it.
Oh, do you want some sites to see the comparison of Bush to the Nazi's??????? Just let me know.

Doug said...

212 names out of a state with a population of 18,000,000. Wow. That's like .0001%. Hard to imagine how I've not had the pleasure of making their acquaintance.
Can you show me where Bush was compared to Hitler on this site? Made fun of sure, but compared to Hitler? The national media is really kind of above our pay grade. What happens elsewhere in cyberspace can hardly be called our problem.
Go back and read what I said. The so called legal action was not started by this end. Got it?
Maybe I'm missing something but where's this ethnic slur business coming from anyway?

Cindy said...

DRL, So if I say that I think my brother is a really smart person, and my brother considers himself a liberal, then I'm saying that I think conservatives are dumb???? HUH?????? Like Sean said in his first comment... you gotta be f-ing kidding me.

rac said...

Yes DRL, I would say the self-pity thing isn't working very well. This is much too tough a crowd to expect any sympathy. Sorry dude.

mat said...

If there's one thing you learned in the circle it was that feeling sorry for yourself or self pity got your ass kicked everytime. I know. You manned up and started learning to kick ass and take names. Right or wrong it was what it was and is what it is. Your my Bro DRL but that is getting kind of old. It takes me so long to publish a post because I'm constantly stopping to read and correct what I'm posting.Not because I give a shit if anyone thinks I'm retarded. But I know that if I want to get my thoughts or point across I know that one wrong word or spelling can totally change what you're trying to say. Words have meaning.Their,they're,there. See? My moms a real wordsmith(to steal Dougs 10 dollar word)and she's written poetry and childrens stories. She installed that in me at an early age. Call me or E-mail me and I'll give you some pointers and tricks to help you out. I'm not dogging on you or criticizing you but genuinely offering to help you. Then we can really beat up on the Libs.Hehehehe. Did you get my earlir E-mail?

mat said...

You know everybody,this thread has the potential to beat our previous record of 110 comments. Think about it? The topic is basically what we've been beating each party up about. I say we go for it.