Friday, March 13, 2009

The greatest president... ever!


DRL said...

Yea you did!

mat said...

Dave,Thats too funny.

Ric Larson said...

So funny, he looks just like Erkle (sp?) the super geek dude! Funny!!!!

Joanna said...

mat (or door mat?[I thought you were Matt]) how could you have degenerated so? I guess living in the land of the white trash has shriveled your brain cells so that you cannot hold any rational thoughts. Amazing how far the Dean Circle gang has fallen (Matt, if you still have the capacity to remember, most of them were useless pieces of $@!* even then). Sorry to see that you have fallen to that level. The country has been in recession since last January. Dubya was asleep at the wheel, I think thats because he has less intellect than most monkeys (or your average white trash). [Please forgive me my simian friends. I know that most of you have more common sense than Georgie Boy]. This was the first time that this country has elected a man to the highest office in the land who lacked even two brain cells to rub together and we are paying the price. If any of you had any intelligence at all (which I have come to seriously doubt about most of you), you would have enough common sense to realize that the Bush Monkey (remember that, Matt?)was in charge for the last 8 years; the captain of our ship of state. Indications of the crash were evident over four years ago. Did the captain do anything to change course? As is plainly evident seeing current events, not only did he not take any corrective action, he did not have the brain capacity to even realize that he was navigating us onto the reefs. Your disrespect for someone who is doing anything he can to get us, and the world, out of this crisis shows how ignorant you are of how we got where we are. You must educate yourself as to the history behind this debacle. You are like a person who sues his rescuer, with no appreciation for the difficulty and hard decisions of what had to be done to try to extricate you from a bad situation which you had gotten yourself in. I cannot take any responsibility for electing a monkey to the presidency as I cannot vote for president. But you, as a supporter of someone who is beneath a brain dead person, bear the brunt of responibilty. I'm sure you love "good ol' boys" for their down to earth speaking, but to me that indicates an under devceloped intellect (or none). The white trash have had their chance; now it is time for someone who is not afraid of using intelligence to solve problems rather than looking for it in his anus. Hasta la vista, Morons!


Ric Larson said...

Sam? That's just not right man! You logged in and 'posted', under/using your sisters 'log-in' to send a personal vehemented message to some one on a public blog such as this, for the whole world to see? A private e-mail to Mat would have been more appropriate don't you think? When you signed out... "Hasta la vista, Morons", you were writing to us all, not just Mat (or Matt)! Sam?

Dave said...

Did Sammy Sparks actually write this... or was it really Joanna? White trash? I seem to remember there being a little "white" in all of us... including our president. But that's ok.. Sam, keep on writing. We haven't heard much from you yet and welcome all points of view. I'm "white trash" and proud of it.

Ric Larson said...

I'm confused here? The apparent posting from Sam is not in his usual written language?

Ric Larson said...

For the record, I guess I am white trash too? And proud of it!

Joanna said...

To make it clear,Sam was over and I invited him to read the blog and those are his words.I found them to be to the point.It is his opinion that was written about Obama bashing and who really is to blame for this reccession we're in.

Ric Larson said...

Yeah, OK, sure, what-ever Jo.

Ric Larson said...

Jo, can I say, "let's weigh acceptability"?

DRL said...

This is what I was refering to earlier. It is okay to Bash Bush. The name calling has always started with the left. Bush has been called names and us on the right.
Lets see if I can recall some of the names Sam called us.
white trash

What an intilectual man you are Sam. Go back to hiding, if you are just going to come on to call us degrading names, then go away.

Oh, remember the Demicarats have had full control of both houses of congress for the past 6 years. They have "oversight". You are an idiot!
Sam, if you want to get on, don't hide under your little sisters petticoat!

DRL said...

And Joanna, you would not answer my question to you earlier, then you got your "brother" on to insult us who live stateside. You must realy idalise Juliet, because you act just like her. Why the name calling? How dare you use ethnic name calling. I was told that Juliet would shut down the blog and bring legal action against me for using "ethnic" degrading or something. You need to get with her, bow down at her feet. You need to grow up! If you "brother" want to get on and call us names in a degrading tone, then I think he is smart enough to do it without your help.

DRL said...

I still think that Obama is makeing a Hiel Obama salute in the food stamp picture. What do you say to that Joanna, do you support that?

mat said...

Wow what can I say? I guess I'm honored to be dressed down like that in a public forum.I must have really gotten under someones skin. Good. To get a response like that from a friend means I must have really got him thinking. Excellent. What did you expect me to get all upset? Of all the posts on this blog that one just proved the point that we conservatives have said all along. Liberals are just angry,sad,people. Your man won and is in office and you still get all bent out of shape. OK my turn to do some psychoanalyzing.I think some of the Obama supporters are less than pleased with how his presidency is shaping up.And they blame us because had conservative talk radio and TV news shows not beat up on him so bad then maybe he wouldn't have got elected. Buyers remorse. Good to hear from you anyways Sam.As always your still my brother.

mat said...

Oh yea and proud to be white trash,redneck or whatever. Salt of the earth you know. And you know where redneck came from right? From the farmers being in the field all day and their necks got sunburned. Farmers built this country so yea I'm proud to be lumped in with them.

mat said...

Dave,Put Alfred E Obama back up.Don't waver.

mat said...

Oh and another thing,everyone on this blog is my brother and sister and call me names if you must but how dare you call everyone else useless pieces of S***.Thats low Sam and really uncalled for.

mat said...

Hey Joanna, So you said Sams remarks were on target and you agreed with them so do you agree with the usless piece of S*** comment? Hmm?

Joanna said...

Mat,reread his post.He said most of you.Not all. drl, I don't bow down to anyone. Juliet set you straight from her intellectual mind and you logged off for a long time.Then came out with an apology to her.I think you realized what you said about her was wrong.Hence the apology.Sam was visiting and works all the time so I encouraged him to respond to the ridiculous statements and posts. His e-mail is here so write if you'd like. He's not hiding,just trying his best to support his family.He actually didn't want to respond but,I asked him to look at the post that my comment dissappeared from.Take it like a man or woman. Respond to him.I no longer am the shot down messenger:)

Ric Larson said...

Sounds like some one is in 'attack mode'.

mat said...

So I reread the post Joanna and my question remains the same.Do you agree that most of us are useless pieces of S***? Just because we have our own thoughts and beliefs? Wow. I encourage everyone to re-read Sams post. I believe if anyone remembers back then they would remember who Sams friends were and who weren't. The way I read it,the ones that weren,t his friends then are the ones that are the useless ones. But wait. They are the ones that share his political beliefs now.Wow this is all very confusing.Hahahaha. Thanks for clarifying that for everyone Jo.

DRL said...

Yea Matt, and I think that Joanna and the other libs are so mad at the lie they took in whole heartedly, now, they attack.

Joanna, I apologised repeatedly, removed the ofensive remarks I made (at Juliets request) and asked for a truse (sp?). She countinued to attack me, said there would be no truse and mis diagnosed me with several mentat issues (under that she was a Psyc nurse). I asked her for an apology and she will not. That is the person you adore? You thought that some of the remarks I made were poor "ethnic" remarks toward Juliet. What do you think your (oops, I mean sam's, yea right) remarks were?

Ric Larson said...

Yeah, kind of hard to distinguish who really made/wrote that posting? Regardless, in general, initial personal attacks from anyone to any one else is just wrong. Just dirty pool! But when one gets attacked on this bolg, what is the proper recourse? Returned retaliation or just ignoring the idiocy of it all?

mat said...

Apparently just ignore it Ric. We answer to a higher power than that which would see us fail. We must fight the good fight and not be disuaded(yet another ten dollar word). Sam wrote the post and thats okay. Just so everybody knows I E-mailed him personally and told him he was still my brother. I also told him that I didn't know where his anger came from. Our politics(who we vote for) doesn't define who we are as people but it is interesting how some of us would shit on another because of it.Sad.Not me man,Bring it on baby.Yeehaw.Peace!