Sunday, March 15, 2009

The control a governing body exterts should be inversely proportional to the size of the population it governs.

If it can be dealt with at the state level, the feds have no business in it. Better yet, deal with it at the local level.

Remember the "higher up" you go in government the less your voice is heard. However the sad fact is we all know the name of the president, probably of our senators and governors. But how many know our mayors, counselmen, assembymen. Yet, these are the ones we could easily know *personally*. Power should not rise to the highest peak, we must keep it anchored and grounded (literally and metaphorically).


Sean said...

PS - any president who talks of 'bold actions' should be greeted with torches and pitchforks.

mat said...

Mayor Lionel Rivera.He's the one that proposed the formation of the stormwater enterprise because we have a law in place that prohibits the raising or implementing any taxes without voter approval and it kept getting shot down every election.So He found a loophole in the law that allowed for the creation of an "Enterprise" that was allowed to asess fees and fines and they place a lien on your property if you don't pay. I don't.Rainwater tax. That's what we call it.Aint that some shit. Oh and Doug and RAC, He's a Republican and he didn't pass the law until after his re-election.Asshole.He ran against Doug Lamborn and Ken Salazar(our new interior secretary) last election and was sent home with his tail between his legs.He's through in Colorado politics.Well maybe Boulder could use him the liberal pukes.