Friday, March 13, 2009

This Might Piss Someone Off

I couldn't think of anything to post that would piss someone off on Doug's Piss off blog, but I thought that this might. All in fun!


Ric Larson said...

All in fun it is! This is truly fuuuunnny! And if some one does get offended, then there are other issues at play. Every President that has been elected has had some sort of cartoons made of them (think back to our last Prez). Republican or Demarcate, the cartoons made about them are funny. Part of being in public life.

mat said...

Juls,You should be brought up on charges.How dare you make fun of "The anointed one". He who has ascended from the heavens to save us from ourselves.Thank God(wait, I mean thank the flying spaghetti monster)that he is here to show us a better way.

DRL said...

They could have picked a picture that didn't look like the old Roman salute that the Germans used in the 1930's and 40's. Dang, that will upset someone, but don't it look like that?

Oh, yea Ric, remember they puppet show of Regan?

DRL said...

Did you hear about the little boy that wanted $100.00 really bad?

Well, he prayed about it for weeks, but nothing happened. So he thought he would write God a letter asking for the money.
The Postal authorities saw the letter addressed to: God, USA. So, they rerouted it to the President's office.
The President was so amused that he had his secretary send the boy a $5.00 bill.
The little boy was delighted with the $5.00 and sat down to write God a thank you note.

Dear God: Thank you very much for sending the money. However, I noticed for some reason you sent it through Washington D.C., and those thieves deducted $95.00 in taxes.

DRL said...

Heil Obama?

mat said...

Das Fuehrer.

mat said...

Hey if I'm gonna get beat up and accused of being white trash I might as well earn it don't ya think.

DRL said...

Matt, the funny thing is, none of the fueher, I mean President Hussein, oops, I mean Obama supporters haven't said anything about his Nazi salute. Hum, maybe the truth don't hurt them???