Thursday, March 12, 2009

Next Reunion Ideas

Just a couple of ideas is all.

Anyone got any others?


Ric Larson said...

Some of my two favorite places where I can contemplate the Universe, the Office (aka, the "head") and the pool with a floating bar! Good choices DRL!

DRL said...

In Island Park, Idaho, a cowboy dropped his hat in such a place. He went in after it. A tow truck was called out of Ashton to lift it off, so as to get him out. The Stetson was ruined anyway, go figure.

DRL said...

Don't knock the extension cord off the floating zories!

Ric Larson said...

Dang it DRL, I was paying to much attention to what those Einstein's were drinking in the pool, totally missing the electrical cord and outlet floating on the water with the aid of the some sort of floatation devices. Now that is a funny picture!

DRL said...

Thats what it is all about bro.

Paul said...

Wait! Thats not right, those fools weren't using zories, they were using stupid slippers. Zories (you know with the strap between the toes) would have appropriate for this use. :-)

Anyone remember using their zories for hand paddles while body surfing at the Marine Lab?

DRL said...

You got me there Paul.