Saturday, April 25, 2009

And you thought you were having a bad day

Check out the day this woman was having.


rac said...

I hope the car that hit her wasn't a Guamanian Monte Carlo.

Joanna said...

Now that is a BAD day.I feel for the bear because wild animals are being surrounded by people.What bear is supposed to show fear of humans.They are bigger and in the hierarchy of life,they're predators like us in that they want to eat or defend what they have.

DRL said...

Hey, I always wanted to know why it is said, "don't run if a bear is chasing you". I thought it was because the bear can run 35 miles an hour, na, it's because you will get hit by a car. Mat hasn't said if it was a white Monte Carlo. Mat, where are you?

rac said...

lol DRL. Good one.