Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dead Cat Bounce or Road to Recovery?

I wonder what the panel thinks about the recent March runup in the markets. Was this just a bear market rally or was it an early sign of economic recovery. Is it possible our investments in Spam and ammo would have been better served by jumping into the market on March 6th when the S&P 500 hit its low of 666? Or is the worst still yet to come? I guess the simple question is should we buy the puts or the calls?


Doug said...

Well I guess the 850,000 or so newly unemployed would be leaning to the dead cat bounce side.
Actually it's not just the Stock Market. New & existing homes sales, auto sales, big ticket items as well as manufacturing all are up. Lot's of pent up buying demand.
Sustainable? We'll see.

Dave said...

Plenty of government subsidy and incentives/smoke and mirrors. Sooner or later somebody has to pay for it all. My vote is, the cat will bounce several times, but it's still dead.

Doug said...

you never liked cats anyway.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Dave, I seem to remember you didn't like cat's either. I wonder why that stuck out of my memories?

rac said...

So I'll go on record as a Bull. I'm sure there will be some dips along the way but I think the overall trend will be a gradual rise. But then my portfolio would prove I have no idea what I'm talking about.

mat said...

I could tell some cat stories.But I wont. I don't know the statute of limitations.

Cindy said...

My own personal sign of an economic turn around will be when my kids have a U-Haul backed up to my garage and start loading it up with their stuff...anyone else have one to share?

rac said...

Mine will be when Dave professes his admiration for President Obama and proclaims him the greatest president ever... any day now. ;)

Cindy said...

Good one RAC..hehehe

Joanna said...

Yeah,their is progress. Hard to undo so many years of you know what:(

Joanna said...

Oh,I remember someone lit a cat on fire in Dean's Circle.