Friday, April 24, 2009

Fox News gets Fair and unBalanced


DRL said...

Dang, I hope they bleeped that guy. I am like Ric, torcher the heck out of them, to save American lives.

Remember the American solders doing time in Leavenworth for putting panties on guys heads? At the same time they were slowly cutting American and Jewish heads off with dull knifes! Sure, we are Americans and should not stoop down to "their levels. Saving American lives is not stooping. Like I said about the mosquitoes, why are falcon babies more important that human babies?????

DRL said...

RAC, Yes you are right. This is probably the only new station that is fair and balanced.

rac said...

I will say this about the torture debate - I think the GOP is making a HUGE mistake condoning and supporting the use of torture. Mark my words, this will turn out to be a gigantic political time bomb for them... one that will cost them elections.

Joanna said...

rac,I agree with you. Send me your e-mail address.Thanks for keeping this blog straight.I appreciate that so much!:)

DRL said...

RAC, I agree 100%. As long as the democrat's use it in the public eye, it will hurt the republicans. I guess what I tried to say in my head, but didn't make it to print is, there are many things that go on behind closed government doors that we don't need to know about. Your rate in the Navy points that out. My ship participated in a mission that was a "need to know" basis. Most of the crew didn't even know what we were doing. I only knew because I was on the bridge.
Torture is something I "hate". But I also hate killing, but it has to be done at times.
The democrats are only doing this to hurt the other party, not for the good of the Country. If the democrats want to end torture, doing it on the fox network is not where it will get done. All President Obama has to do is say, "no more" and it is over.