Saturday, April 25, 2009

Something To Take Your Mind Off The Economy

We were put on alert about this today by our local Health Department.
Mexico swine flu deaths spur global epidemic fears


Ric Larson said...

My God, don’t you all get tiered of ‘Doom and Gloom’? Post something happy!

Ric Larson said...

I have a ‘sister in-law’ that works for the United Nations as a Medical Doctor, a real life M.D.. Yes, she has told me that there are a lot of bad medical illnesses going on around the World now, but nothing like in the past. And most of the crap you hear on the news is propaganda.

Sean said...

OK - I'm happy we have an open border with Mexico and anyone can just walk in bringing God knows whatever diseases they carry.

Ric Larson said...

"And most of the crap you hear on the news is propaganda"...except for the diseases that are carried by illegal aliens over our open boarders. Thanks Sean! Good research.

juliet said...

Ric, I am thinking you took what your in law said out of context. We have drugs to fight some of the illnesses of the past, like plague and have eradicated small pox, yellow fever and Polio with immunizations but it is not propaganda to say that there are out breaks of epidemic proportions through out the world. Enteric diseases and parasites are still major health issues in different parts of the world. In some countries your kid gets sick and you wonder if it is cholera, Hep, or typhoid, not to mention some of the more common viral fevers. Most people of the world live in severe poverty.

Joanna said...

ric,you think things in life are propaganda that you read? Oh and you feel bad about 'Doom and Gloom'. You want something happy then read your posts. Come on,you should know better.You bitch but, when someone states facts,you freak out?Ever wondered why?

Cindy said...

Ric, it's not doom and gloom, it's a reality...not propaganda fact several cases are in the process of being confirmed in NY. I hope our country is prepared for's been preached to us for years that we needed to be ready for a flu epidemic, not IF we have one but WHEN. The health care system where I work has had a plan in place for a long time in how we would deal with one. It's better to stay informed...and keep WASHING YOUR HANDS.

Cindy said...

Now 2 cases in Kansas

rac said...

I hate to say it but I'm kind of with Ric on this one. They got me with the bird flu scare 3 years ago but I ain't falling for this one. At least not until they start piling bodies up at the soccer field.

rac said...


Doug said...

Let the purge begin.

Doug said...

And I really kind of doubt closing the border would stop the spread of the virus.
It is rather fascinating, in a morbid kind of way, to read what is known about this strain of flu so far.
A strain combining swine/bird/human flu characteristics is quite impressive. And then there's the similarity to the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 or so where the apparent highest rate of lethality is among relatively young adults.
Happy hand washing everyone!

rac said...

Well then, that should help ease the unemployment problem.

Cindy said...

RAC, you're bad...even though my job now involves getting people to wash their hands, I've always been a bit of a "germ freak". I keep little bottles of alcohol-based hand gel in my car and my purse and use it after pumping gas or shopping. This week I thought it was very cute (and impressive) that my 8 year old granddaughter wanted to give her classmates a little talk about hand-washing (she said the boys mostly don't wash after leaving the bathroom). I printed out a couple of signs for her to hang in the bathroom in her classroom and she wrote out a little speech. A future Infection Preventionist in the making!

mat said...

Yea I was listening to Coast to Coast with George Noury last night and they were talking about it seems suspicious that Obama went to mexico and then that guy died as if it were some kind of conspiracy. Like he(Obama) took it with him to mexico to spread. Hahahaha. Even for a righty kook like myself thats funny. Wait till Rush gets a hold of that. Hahaha

Joanna said...

Not funny mat.Who have you become?

rac said...

Oh yeah, the conspiracy folks are going to be all over this. What better cover to deploy a biological weapon than the president's entourage. Also, the last time we had a swine flu outbreak is was confined to a few army recruits at Fort Dix, New Jersey in 1976. And of course any good conspiracy has to include not only the cause but the effect: Mexican President declares equivalent of martial law giving him powers to order quarantines. I guess that's one way to help combat the out-of-control drug wars. ;)

rac said...

Like I said, they're going to be all over it. The one thing about the conspiracy community is they are a non-partisan bunch. I wouldn't take it personal.

Ric Larson said...


Ric Larson said...

Matheeeeew! I listen to “Coast to Coast with George Noury” every chance I get! (Sure do miss Art Bell though)! Talk about stimulating the mind! But since I have become an early bird and wake up at the crack of dawn, I subscribe to the ‘After Dark’ magazine’ (owned and printed by… “Coast to Coast with George Noury”…of course)! It’s a good read for those that cannot stay awake to listen to “Coast to Coast with George Noury”.

Ric Larson said...

What is a Pandemic: “A disease that travels across vast areas, crosses boarders and may even go world wide”! Now, lets say you have 200 or even a 1000 people, or even 100,000 word wide with the same infectious disease, you have a pandemic.

When the media uses the word ‘Pandemic’, it invites panic! (And isn’t that what the media wants)? And many of you have fallen for it…the panic part of it, right? But just look at it logically… just do the math.

Let’s just say that (I’ll bump it up a little bit) 250,000 people worldwide have the swine flu. Divide 250,000 in the worlds population. It means nothing! More folks will die in bed boinking the spouses every month than those infected by the piggy flu!

I could go on more...but… ;)

Doug said...

well I don't really see anyone panicking, just making conversation really. And you're right of course that this has led to yet another feeding frenzy in the media. You're right also that on the grand scale of world flu history this one so far is rather anemic.
It is however probably worth noting that at least one other global flu pandemic started out as a relatively mild strain as well. The infamous spanish flu epidemic of 1918-1920 was at first a strain with fairly mild symptoms. At some point, as viruses are want to do the strain mutated and became much more virulent and lethal ultimately resulting in 50 million deaths worldwide. Safe to say that would be a larger number than those that died happy in bed.
Despite right wing political efforts to slash public health funding for pandemic readiness and research it's not unreasonable to assume that we as a nation are more ready for a large scale assault on the populace by a virulent flu bug. It is false & foolish bravado however to think that we are immune.
Consider: during the last pandemic of 1918-1920 that strain of flu, much like the new strain, had a disconcerting habit of having the highest rate of lethality among normally healthy adults.
So here's the scenario, Dad gets sick, Mom gets sick taking care of dad, they die. Kids left to fend for themselves. This was repeated over and over a thousand times and more across the globe. Entire police & fire departments unmanned. Hospitals? Forget it. The bug moved across the country from east to west. Cities knew it was coming and there was little they could do except wait, take the pain and hope for the best.
Anyone that thinks that we are not susceptible to the same type of civil upheaval caused by a pandemic such as this is simply whistling as they walk past the graveyard.
But like I say, just making conversation.

juliet said...

Sniff, chooo. Hey I was even hanging out with some swine. I think one snorted on me.

Ric Larson said...

Doug, I always enjoy your response!

Cindy said...

Juliet just "Cover Your Cough" and "Wash Your Hands" sorry, can't help myself, have been posting those signs over 2 hospitals for 2 days now....I'll be saying it in my sleep now.

Doug said...

Drink Jack Daniels.

Ric Larson said...

Where I work: “Universal precautions” is King (refers to the practice, in medicine, of avoiding contact with patients' bodily fluids, by means of the wearing of nonporous articles such as medical gloves, goggles, and face shields). Where I work , clients attempt to spit at, scratch , bite, kiss, knife, lick… you name it…..eeeeek!

But as Cindy just mentioned, "Covering Your Cough" and "Washing Your Hands" is about the best and smartest thing we should all practice daily!

But Doug, Jack is the Silver Bullet, cure all!

mat said...

JOANNA,Read what I said!Dammnit I was making fun of what the "RIGHT WING" kooks could start saying about the swine flu.Do you not understand? You have to be able to laugh at yourself which I can do. Can you? Shit!