Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our president nixes a visit to Normandy

so as not to offend the Germans.


mat said...

What an asshole.

Ric Larson said...

As a proud Honorably Discharge Veteran, he is disgracing our Veterans as ‘Commander in Chief’. He shows no respect and should be ashamed of himself.

Doug said...

How exactly in your estimation is the President "disgracing" veterans? According to the article he has agreed to return for the 65th anniversary of D-Day later this year.
Sounds like he's pissed off the French more than anything else.

mat said...

Doug, You're not a veteran so you wouldn,t understand. Normandy s hallowed ground and the president should have made going there a main part of his trip. Being pissed at the French should be even a greater reason to go there seeing how so many soldiers from many countries gave their lives to save their asses. You know just standing on the beach there and looking around and taking everything in and contemplating what those young men went through for freedom really gives you a different perspective on the world we live in. I'm sorry that you don't get that. I'm sorry that our own President doesn't get that.

Ric Larson said...

Doug, are you a veteran?

And maybe the French are pissed off because they know the sacrifice and blood that was poured by American and English blood on their beaches to liberate them.

rac said...

Oh shit, someone dun opened up a whole new can of wup-ass. Bring me my whisky and lawn chair, Ma; there's fixin' to be some feudin' goin' on.

Doug said...

No I am not a veteran. Your premise that since I'm not I'm incapable of understanding their sacrifice and it's immense historical significance is at once asinine, profoundly condescending and arrogantly dismissive.
I am sorry if you don't understand that.
I actually have been to Normandy. Traveled France & Europe fairly extensively. So we've both been to Normandy & it's safe to say neither of us experienced D-Day first hand yet I am incapable of understanding their sacrifice why exactly?
I do not need to jump from the roof of my house to understand the concept of gravity.
I am not an astrophysicist but I can study and attempt to understand the heavens from my backyard.
Your premise that I am unworthy of any meaningful understanding of the personal sacrifice of military veterans carries as much validity as me discounting the views and opinions of those that do not have a college education because they are obviously incapable of intelligent thought.
So try set aside my apparently woefully lacking life experiences for a moment and take a stab at answering my original question.
How exactly were the Presidents actions in this particular instance disgracing veterans?
I want to understand.