Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reflection, The family portrait

Thank you Becki for the comment, and for bringing to mind something.

Yes, the family portrait.

Every one looks for something when they walk into someones house.
Some look for the medicine cabinet, "what is in there".
Some at the decor, what kind of art is in the house.
Some to the family pet, others outside to the back yard.
All these tell allot about the people in the house.

I look for the family portrait.


DRL said...

I remember once as a your boy, someone said how nice our family was together. I asked if they knew us away from church. "No, you just look like such a nice family" the old lady told me.

I often sit by the portrait studio when I am killing time at some super store, or waiting for the girls. It is so funny, the fights that go on before the shot is taken. How many shots are taken before one is found that has everyone smiling and looking forward. I have even seen on several occasions, the mother frantically searching the super store for a shirt for Johnny (I doubt that is his name, but I can't repeat what mommy was calling him)because he got something on his. It is funny how at the end of it all, now with the computer camera, they all sit around picking out the one that is "just right". Then complain about how much it costs.

How many times in our lives have we showed up at a place where we were fighting all the way there, just to smile the second we walk in. Life is funny that way.

Next time you walk past a family portrait, I bet you look a little longer at it.

Ric Larson said...

DRL, as you know, When I walk into some ones house, I look for the furry four legged friends with very cold noses! Forget the two-legged people (unless they are my nieces), I am magnetized towards real people, like kitties and doggies!

DRL said...

Yes Ric I know, that one was for you. Patches and Angel miss you. I don't think you ever saw our cat. she hides most of the time. About the only time she comes out is when we are asleep. She will curl up next to our head and purr till she gets some attention, then she falls asleep there. Have you seen our bearded dragon yet. Well, Sam doesn't have a cold nose, but she likes people.
Talk to me later

Ric Larson said...

Well, you tell Patches and Angel I miss them too, especially their cold noses!