Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lefty's Home Turf

Lefty never lets silly things like facts get in the way of their campaign winning sales pitches.
Let's take a look at the "Home Turf" of the democrats:

"Poverty" - giving money to people does nothing to end poverty. Otherwise, wouldn't it be gone by now? Keeping a class dependant on the government is just the new slavery.

"Racism" - the democrats have bamboozled their voters into thinking that they are on their side to fight racisim and discrimination, but history tells otherwise (southern democrats instituted Jim Crow laws and segregation, fought against the civil rights bill). For how many more generations will democrats push affirmative action? (You would think that all of these affirmative actions would have some results by now).

"Healthcare" - the American healthcare system is not broken. We produce more miracle drugs, more medical technology, more medical techniques than anywhere. The costs come from the regulations that surround healthcare:
lawsuites drive the costs by forcing doctors to spend *hundreds of thousands* each year on malpractice insurance
healthcare is seen as a right (something bestowed upon us by employers) we don't think about the cost as long as it is "covered"
we have millions flooding into the country to take advantage of "free services" in our emergency rooms
we demand the FDS guarantee absolute perfection in all of our drugs at the cost of billions for each new drug, yet we complain about high costs of prescription drugs.

"Energy" - if there are any "green jobs" created by this policy of folly, they won't begin to make up for the jobs and productivity lost due to artificially inflated energy costs through the cap and trade system.

"Global Warming" - agenda driven pseudo science akin to crystals, healing magnets and pyramid beds


rac said...

Let's not forget Lefty's other home turf, the Presidency and Congress. ;)

Sean said...

I don't think there's any danger of me forgetting that.

On the other hand, since they have an iron grip on everything now, I wonder if they will accept responsibility and accountability for the changes they set loose on us.

rac said...

I would post a retort giving Righty's stance on the issues but it seems he has none. Righty's only contribution to the political landscape is bitching about Lefty. Unless of course you count his 19 page budget proposal which contained no actual numbers.

Joanna said...

Do you have access to PBS or any other station that's more informative than Rush Lim-Bug?He's not an edumacated man ya'all(for the most)I mean people, on this blog.

Sean said...

Jo - I rarely get to listen to Rush Limbaugh because he's one from 12-3 and I'm busy earning a living...

Sean said...

So, you accept all of the assertions in the original post?

rac said...

I'm pretty sure we have previously debated your assertions until we are all blue in the face. At this point it seems a little like beating a dead caribou.

Cindy said...

Sean, I could spend hours explaining to you, how wrong that statement is about our healthcare system, and I think I could argue that I know what I'm talking about after being in the industry for the past 30 years...but as RAC has pointed out, it's useless.

Ric Larson said...

Cindy, I too work out of a hospital setting about 50 % of my time, in the psychiatric units. I am not a debater, but have to go along with Sean on this one! I see where the waist is going financially!

mat said...

OK Cindy I'll bite. I really want to understand where you are coming from on healthcare so please tell me. Here's what I know; I have a job and I have health insurance and I get sick and go to the Doctor and pay my 25 dollar copay and the doctor checks me out and says I have a cold. He gives me a prescription and I go to Walmart and fill it for say 30 bucks and I get better. Or I have a job but I don't get health insurance and I go to the doctor and they say "You have to pay the Eighty Nine dollar fee. I pay with my debit card and then see the doctor and he says "you have a cold" and tells me to go buy some Nyquil or gives me a prescription for some antibiotic thats four dollars at Walmart.Or I don't have a job and I get sick and I go to the hospital emergency room and I don't pay anything but I sign a paper that says I promise to pay and I see the Doctor and he says I have a cold and gives me a prescription that I can take to Walmart to get filled for four bucks and I do and I get better. So whats the problem? I think your upset because people don't pay their emergency room bills. I guess I don't know Cindy. Most Liberals talk around a subject like that. Please explain what the health care crisis is. That people don't have access to it or nobody wants to pay for it. I can walk into any hospital right now and say I'm sick and get cared for just by signing my name on the dotted line. I will get a bill later that I will be expected to pay. But I won't get turned away. I don't have to pay that bill and can have a legal judgement brought against me and have my wages garnished by a court of law for said nonpayment and go back to the same emergency room that night and say I'm sick and the Doctor will see me and etc.etc.etc. So I say to you we live in the greatest country in the world and will never let our sick die because they can't pay. Like you said to Sean, We can beat this dead horse but why? Peace.

rac said...

Why are you going to the doctor for a COLD? Toughen up man. ;)