Wednesday, April 22, 2009

POTW - An occasional spot of water.

This isn't a Guam shot but its current. This is the "Harbor View" scene from my hotel room in Hong Kong.


DRL said...

Paul, I was in Hong Kong a couple of times in the early '80's. Only I had a great view of the harbor, right over the railings. I loved Hong Kong.

Joanna said...

Paul,Nice photo.I heard that Hong Kong was one of the cleanest cities in the world.
It was so nice having our Reunion! I couldn't stop talking and looking at the pics also. Those were the days my friend and we all shared in the bursts of laughter:)Our place had the loudest laughter there.I noticed as I walked away a couple of times!Thank You for coming and Juliet and Hubby as V.I.P.'s. as with your family. Need to get together more often...Hanom:)

Joanna said...

Hey,What did you think of the food? I hope everyone enjoyed the Chamorro food. I wanted Juliet and Hans to have the best to remember. Here we can enjoy all we want.You heard about the restaurant in Mangilao? Or the Sam Choy's former cook opening his own "Mix" Munge!!!Duenas,The out Door Chef!OOOOH.Can't wait to go...

juliet said...

We should have taped some of those memories. You all really went way out of your way for me. I am going to get to work on letters and pictures as soon as I get over my jet lag and cold. Sam, Jo and J.T.,you all really went all out for us with that Easter barbecue and words just are not enough. I need your snail mail addresses to send the CD of pictures. Paul and Lin I really enjoyed the lunch at the Hilton, hope your executive health checks go well. Lots of love to you all, especially to all your kids who just remind me of the best parts of all of you.

I was in Hong Kong first back in 1987 and then around 1997-8 short before it was turned over to China. I stayed at the Grand Hyatt on the Quay and spent most of my time with my sons riding the ferry back and forth. I remember the airport had a flight path right over the tops of the buildings. Everyone held their breath until we safely landed. People seemed to look hardworking and grim there to me.

juliet said...

The food was the real stuff. I am still dreaming of the keleguin Mannok and cake. Fresh grated coconut in the Keleguin, not only that but everything was so nicley cut and seasoned. I ate red rice and Keleguin there times if I remember. Now I also had a tamale and some ribs and pancit and the corner piece of the cake with lots of icing and a big rose. Now the cake was cut into rather large pieces by the Geometry expert with a lot of support by her two top cake cutting advisers. I think we all had a good time and it occurred to me that we are all interesting characters. Not to be out done by Paul's son, who memorized the geological thesis I brought along that some grad student published about the different caves and geological formations on Guam. He then had Paul quiz him on parts of the book.

Dave said...

Juliet, did you get to see Benny? Do you have any news for us? Any word at all concerning our long lost friend? Did he say anything about us? Did he get any of my emails? C'mon sis, fill us in...

juliet said...

Didn't see him.

Ric Larson said...

Maybe it is none of my business, but…what is a ‘nice reunion’ without your own sibling, the 'Sir Benny boy' attending, Juliet? You were all on the same rock, 5 by 32 miles or so. Couldn’t be that difficult to locate him?

Ben we miss you buddy! Log on!

Doug said...

You sure do get around.

Paul said...

We had a great time as well, and the food was great. Thanks to Joanna and JT for putting that together.

Joanna said...

Sometimes in life we are dealt a certain amount of cards.With these we can only expect what is given unconditionally.

Joanna said...

As the hostess of this 'Reunion' I did select a few V.I.P.'s.This was my intention so we could really talk and reunite. It was a success and Thank-You all for attending.It was my and my families privilege to gather once again:) with true friends in my heart! I'll never forget it.I still laugh with hindsight being 20/20!

Cindy said...

Mom and Dad took us to Hong Kong once a couple of years before we left Guam. While we were there, a typhoon hit and I remember the whole hotel swaying, and all of us in our six floor room with just a couple of candles. Cars were still driving down the road in the middle of the storm. We could see the whole harbor and it was packed full with all the Junks riding out the weather.

Cindy said...

It sounds like you all had a wonderful time at your Guam get together. Please post pictures!