Friday, April 3, 2009

Ok Rac and Sean, give us the 411 on this... person

Harold Koh... good or bad for America?


Ric Larson said...

I’m so itching to jump in on this one! But the 'gentleman' that I am, I will wait for Sean and the RAC’ster to respond first.

rac said...

Jackie Chan, SBS, MBE[1] (born Chan Kong Sang, 陳港生, on 7 April 1954) is an actor, action choreographer, film director, producer, martial artist, screenwriter, entrepreneur, singer and stunt performer from Hong Kong.

Chan is one of the best-known names worldwide in the areas of kung fu and action films. In his films, he is known for his acrobatic fighting style, comic timing, use of improvised weapons and innovative stunts. Jackie Chan has been acting since the 1970s and has appeared in over 100 films. Chan has received stars on the Hong Kong Avenue of Stars and the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As a cultural icon, Chan has been referenced in various pop songs, cartoons and video games. Besides acting, Chan is a Cantopop and Mandopop star, having released a number of albums and sung many of the theme songs for the films in which he has starred. In 2008, Chan sang at the 2008 Summer Olympics closing ceremony.[2]

Ric Larson said...

Not Jackie Chan, but Harold Koh.

rac said...

I just googled Harold Koh. That would explain why I've never heard of him... I don't watch Glen Beck.

Ric Larson said...

RAC, I’ll be honest with you. I don’t watch TV very much at all, and haven’t for years, maybe except to watch the history or weather channels (I certainly very rarely watch any news on TV, FOX or other wise). I personally have never heard of Glen Beck until I saw him posted on this very blog. But I have hearrd of Harold Koh.

Dave said...

The racster, always the wise guy. He knows very well who Harold Koh is, and that he is bound and determined to bring the US under
'World Law', signing away America's sovereignty.. forever. And it just so happens that our fearless leader B.O. has appointed him to one of the highest positions in the federal government. And yes, some paranoid American in fear of losing his country (Beck) had the balls to bring it to our attention. But as is usually the case, guys like rac will poke fun at it and dismiss it as right wing propaganda... until one day... poof! Our country as we now know it is gone. The article rac is referring to and doesn't seem to want to comment on follows: "Right-wingers from Glenn Beck to Fox News are waging a loud campaign against Harold Koh, the nominee for the key post of legal adviser to the state department, saying he’s willing to impose Sharia law on U.S. courts and wants to subjugate America to international law". It's called transnationalism... or in other words, One World. This Koh guy works for Obama. Sean can probably explain it better than I can. I only know enough about him to be scared shitless that our nation will be like France pretty soon... a buncha pussies.

rac said...

Dave, you give me way too much credit. I honestly didn't know who this guy is/was. When I googled the name and all the articles had tag lines for FOX News and Glen Beck I could only begin to imagine. Sorry, but I have to limit my news exposure to the gay NWO communist left-wing liberal media... it's in the contract.

Ric Larson said...

Dave, you said that so well! Love you man!

Sean, your turn!

rac said...

And this Glen Beck is the same person who said Obama is setting up FEMA concentration camps to imprison all the God fearing folk of America. Sorry Beck, Alex Jones scooped you on that story years ago. Only it was Bush who was building the camps under the guise of Homeland Security. So I guess what your saying is the new president is carrying on the legacy of the old president. Now that really is scary.

P.S. The original version of the FEMA story can be found here on a pre-Jones/Beck episode of the X-Files.

Joanna said...

RAC,once again you have made me laugh out loud! You are the grounding wire of this blog!