Thursday, April 9, 2009

Your Wish is My Command, Oh Great King...


Doug said...

in the interest of fairness you should also post a picture of the former President holding hands with the king.

Sean said...

Holding hands is hardly bowing.

Doug said...

Right you are Sean. More to the homo erotic side it is.

Dave said...

What? is this FOX news or something? You want fair and balanced?

Doug said...

You're right. Silly me.

Doug said...

You know you could have just as easily captioned this "Please, pretty please don't start trading for your oil in Euros"

Sean said...

OK, Lefties - Where's the outrage? Where are all the consipiracy theories?

All we heard for eight years was how Bush was in the pocket of the Saudis.

And now? nothing but silence...

Ric Larson said...

For any man or woman to bow down to another human being is so ’belittling to them selves’ and to the Nation that they represent.

Ric Larson said...

I swore to myself that I would not ‘post’ until I got off my sabbatical next week. But this was just too serious to neglect. There should be a Nation wide outrage. But I guess we have become a Nation of girly-men and serious stupid super-wimps.

Ric Larson said...

I worry about any man that bends over.

Cindy said...


Obama Approval Rating Stable, Polarized April 7, 2009
Barack Obama’s job approval rating has been highly stable, averaging 62% for the past week and for all of March. There is a wide partisan divide in evaluations of him between Democrats (90%) and Republicans (27%) -- a gap that has grown over time.

So sorry guys, you are still in the minority.

Doug said...

I don't know if you're referring to me or not but would you please be so kind as to refrain from calling me a "leftie". I feel I'm just a little bit more complicated than what this label implies.
For the record I find Obama's apparent bow to this douchebag fairly appalling. Just as bad is the spin we're being fed by the White House that it wasn't a bow it was just bending over real low because he's so tall blah blah. It's an insult to our intelligence.
The apparent bow is an affront to some of us that feel somewhat strongly about a certain war of liberation that was fought by our forefathers 230 some years ago. Prevailing in this conflict kind of earned us the right of never, ever having to kiss the ring of any of these self absorbed, inbred, despotic dickheads, whose only notable life accomplishment is an accident of birth.
Sorry to disappoint any of you but you will not find me defending Obama on this one. I don't think he should have done it. It's demeaning to the Republic he represents and an embarrassment to it's citizenry.

Joanna said...

Cindy,You keep them coming.Sexism has shown its face."Girly men and serious stupid super wimps"...need I say more?

Joanna said...

The President hovers over Jay Leno,maybe he did need to kneel over.Who cares?

Dave said...

Jo, a lot of people care. Not to be sexist or racist, that has nothing to do with it. BOs bow is an act of submission. BO represents the United States of America, the King represents Saudi Arabia. Should America submit to Saudi Arabia? I think not. Its time BO started "standing up" for his country instead of bashing it and apologizing for it.

Joanna said...

Dave,Has it ever occurred to you that all these years of kiss ass means you might have to look one in the face? Yes, President Obama is new but, do you know his agenda, really? You think oil will last forever from the dinosaurs that don't even matter according to "the timeline" Doug is right in that they're trying to find oil in the U.S.of A. but,few and far between.Besides our President happens to have a nice behind:)

Joanna said...

I didn't mean to be sexist or racist either.I just read and find myself thinking,now who are these people? You said it yourself Dave.When you were in the Coast Guard,you seemed more laid back.Now,It's like you're in a total different world.E-mail your # and we can talk island style:)

Dave said...

I knew that was the reason you liked him Jo, and I'll give you that, as a possible reason that millions of women like him. But the best looking ones, are usually as "dumb as a box of rocks"

Joanna said...

AaaaaH Dave. Now who told you that?He's very intellectual,well spoken,our economy is on the rise in about 4 mos.. He's not that bad as you all think. I don't think millions of women are attracted to him.Hey,Former President Bill Clinton flew here and I went and I must say I was impressed. He was facing "Big" issues in the U.S.A. but, not here:)

Dave said...

Jo, when I was in the CG, I wasn't "authorized" or "allowed" to voice my political opinion. Now I'm one of you "civilians" who can say whatever we want without fear of getting busted or court-martialed. Commander-in-Chief has a different meaning when you are in the military. And, just as when I was in the CG, I still consider you to be a good friend. I'm not sure if you feel the same way.

Joanna said...

Dave,I feel the same way! Call me and we'll talk or e-mail me your new number. Come on ,let's all get along.We're from the same place!!!

Dave said...

You see that everyone? A lefty and a righty solved our differences diplomatically and civilly, and all is well.. here on the Dean's Circle Blog.

Doug said...

You know after looking at the picture again I may have been mistaken. It kind of looks like the king or prince or whatever he is is holing up a mirror or cd case and he's offering the President a line of coke and Obama didn't want to be rude and refuse his host. Just good manners.
We really should stop thinking the worst of people.

Ric Larson said...

Those that watch and follow the Gallup polls, tend to be those that implode under peer pressure. Whatever the Gallup polls says, those that are weak go along with it. Follow your own beliefs and heart, not the polls.

rac said...

Ric, I guess ignoring the voice of the people would explain all your recent success on election day.

Joanna said...

So true RAC!:)

Joanna said...

I believe Ric said it was so "belittling" to bow down to any man or woman and the nation that they represent.Well,being half Japanese,I find myself bowing at times. It is a great sign of respect.America being the "melting pot" that it should be(True American Indians originally) makes for a mix of picking up multi cultural practices.

Ric Larson said...

It is belittling knowing your bowing down ‘singular’ to another person. But if both individuals bow down at the same time (as the Japanese do) to greet one another, they are considering themselves as equals, and are just greeting one another, such as Americans give handshakes. But as an American, (as in American custom), if I gave out my right hand to great some one with a handshake, and they did not return it with their right hand, then that would be their attempt to belittle me, would they not. I would never offer my right hand to someone for a handshake that I knew would not return it. If I did, I would be belittling myself. Nor would I bow down to someone knowing that they too would not either return my bow or bow in unison.

Ric Larson said...

RAC, don't count me in with the weak.