Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pat's Coconut - 1972

Now it will really stick in your head.


pat said...

Thank you Dave!!!!! how cool, love you

pat said...

I will consider that a very special
valentine from two of my best buddies. My kitty is laying on my mouse pad, so even though I can barely write it.. love ya'll, happy valentines...friends always, Pat

lvalentine. and you too "Rickster" made me smile. thanks guys

pat said...

wow Dave, they don't have the time for our song. it's so cute and so appripo for valentines day. that's cool, we got it.

DRL said...

Wow man, I was seeing meenkies singing and WOW BABY what sweet things dancing. I think I need to cut back on my meds.ohhhh

Joanna said...

Same to you Pat.Dave does crack me up so often.Nice to be back in touch,so to speak or write:)