Saturday, July 11, 2009

ACLU Seeks End To Censorship of Religious Material By Virginia Jail

STAFFORD, Va., July 9 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Virginia today demanded that officials at the Rappahannock Regional Jail immediately end their illegal practice of censoring religious material sent to detainees. continue...


Sean said...

The ACLU defends the religious rights of criminals in prison, but attacks the religious right of law-abiding citizens.

On the other hand. . . aren't prisons government facilities? Shouldn't the ACLU be suing to remove all religious references, facilities, staff, etc. from jails like they do for court houses and the like?

rac said...

I know weird, huh? Seems Righty only befriends the ACLU when he needs help. The ACLU took on this case at the request of Anna Williams, a devout Christian, whose son was detained in a Virginia prison. Kind of like when they defended Rush Limbaugh in his drug case.

Ric Larson said...

Got to agree with you both on this one Sean and the RAC’ster.

DRL said...

Yea, I agree with you all. The ACLU rarely defends Christians. It is like watching a lion nurse a baby lamb. Oh, the lamb better watch out after a while, He hee.