Sunday, July 12, 2009

BO - the Big Zero


Pat said...

Oh my word! Look what the cat dragged in again.

juliet said...


Pat said...

Juliet, don't stress about sean. All I see is a BZ. (big zero), as in NEGATIVE. Wow, that's gotta hurt.

rac said...

Yeah, you guys shouldn't be so harsh on Sean. He's having a hard time right now. See, he put all his eggs in the Sarah Palin basket and now he's feeling a little... well, kind of silly.

rac said...

Don't worry Sean, I'm sure Rev. Moon will find you another candidate to support.

rac said...

Oops, looks like Moon already has... and it's Palin. In an exclusive with Moon's Washington Times, Palin says she plans to stay in politics.

Sean said...

Wow, your outpouring of kind concern for my mental health is heartwarming.

I didn't say BO has done nothing, he's doing quite a lot. Just nothing positive.

Interesting that Juliet talks of the "dystruction of the us". She probably hasn't much to say in support of that, but I can substantiate that sentiment when it comes to BO:

Destroy the free market system: by intervening with certain corporations (GM, Chrysler, Citibank, AIG, etc.). Now King Barack gets to decide who suceeds and who fails. This is not America.

Ignore the law of the land: When King Barack decides to micromanage the "bankruptcy of Chrysler and GM" and disregards the established laws of bankruptcy.

Usurp powers not granted to him by the constitution: By taking direct control of the census, by forcing states to accept federal funds, by forcing banks to accept federal funds and control, by firing inspector generals without notification required by law.

Cripple our military and defenses: by killing the F-22 program (the world's premier fighter), by cutting our missle defenses (and getting Big Fat Zero in return).

"Re-make" our great country: by accelerating the fall into socialism and statism, by continuing to spread the lie that more and more Americans simply can't take care of themselves, by forcing the government take overs of corporations, healthcare and, ahem, carbon "polution".

Destroy our free elections: by funnelling billions into corrupt and fraudulent democrat election rigging machines like ACORN, by the aforementioned "oversight" and interference in the US census, by appointing "Czars" and granting them great powers without any congrssional oversight.

juliet said...

Destruction. Texting on a phone. By the way Sean I just want to thank you in advance for when I am an " old dead beat granny" and your high income taxes go to my health care. Love you

juliet said...

Sean I have posted a lot about the last adm on this blog, unlike you I just don't get into repeating myself. The world is presently living the BUSH legacy. Your complaints that BO hasn't turned around the economy since Jan. are just lame. How do you really expect to wipe clean the last eight years. WE need to get out of the middle east and stop the money drain there and then focus on getting that money back into efforts that produce not drain. Real simple economics and they work.

Sean said...

Juliet - I think you completely misunderstand me. I have not complained that BO hasn't turned around the economy. On the contrary, I know that the president (any president) has very little in the way of positive influence on the economy. Jobs, growth and prosperity are not created by the governement. But, the president can have great negative influence on the economy by seizing money that would otherwise be invested by private industry and citizens and using it "how he sees fit", by destroying the confidence in our bankruptcy laws and processes, and by simply hanging a cloud of uncertaintly over every potential investment or innovation.

No, I don't look to the government to bail us out and wipe our collective asses. Do you?

Joanna said...

Your a hyprocrite. You just said that the President has little in
fluence over the economy.Then you said the President can have a great "negative" effect over it. Your waffling,make up your mind.
Your choice did not succeed so accept it and be patriotic...if you love and are willing to die for the United States of America,that is?

Sean said...

gee, Joanna, how can someone type:

your (instead of You're) and your (as in your) in the same posting?

And, by the way, I said "positive influence". The government can't create wealth or prosperity or jobs (except maybe more government jobs) but it sure can derail an economy or delay a recovery. That's what we're seeing right now.

Isn't it ironic how the same people who railed against being labeled unpatriotic when they were critisizing the Iraq war, our comander in chief and "everything Bush" are now telling me to just shut up and be a patriot. I thought dissent was patriotic, no?

Joanna said...

O.K. I misspelled one word against your many misspelled words. Big deal! You did say the "negative effect". You hate him and are looking for any bone to pick.Accept that your side lost miserably.Our President is not the big zero. Bush,on the other hand, needed English as a second language...always F--- up. Go find your leader and stay with him!

Joanna said...

Oh and it's spelled "criticizing" with a "C" not an "S" Go figure.Hahaha!

Sean said...

Obama won with 52.7% of the vote. Hardly a landslide.

I don't hate him, I do object to his re-making of America in his own image. That is something no president has the authority to do. I don't have to look very hard for these bones, his wake is littered with them.

Sean said...

When Bush made mistakes, I criticized him also (Harriet Myers, Presscription Drugs, Immigration "reform) so don't think this is about "my guy versus your guy", 'cause it isn't.

Joanna said...

I believe that.Lol...

Pat said...

Oh Sean, You can only criticize spelling on here when It's DRl. Didn't you get the Memo?

DRL said...

Juliet, are you saying fighting the war is destruction of the U.S.?
Do you remember that it was the U.S. that was attacked, lives and property lost by our enemies? I know you live in the area that is a supporter of our enemies, but don't ever say that we (U.S.) cant defend ourselves any way we see fit. Can you imagine if our country felt the same way in WWII? We would all be speaking German or Japanese. No, we have to do what we can to save our union, and anyone that stands in our way, should go down.
I know I get a little bent out of shape over this, but I don't see patriotism as putting the U.S. down for protecting our self and our allies.

DRL said...

Sean, a couple of things here.
Fist, those who support President Husein (the one who is alive) have and probably never will say he can/has done wrong. He is infallible in their minds. They have put him in a deity role. We on the right have said when our side has done wrong. They have not, and don't expect them to. He is the second coming in there mind.

Second, Please reserve your spell check for me. I need it and I can't tell when someone else misspells. So, don't mess with my brain, ha ha, he he

Sean said...

I only said something to Jo because she made a comment about by "insite". Normally, I don't bother with that.

You might also try the Google Chrome browser - it has a built-in spell checker. Neat.

DRL said...

Sean, my spelling is so bad, that spell check sometimes comes up with words so far away form the one in my head. You know what I mean, oh yea.
Oh and good morning brother. I got you email, but didn't want to wake you if it went to your iPhone. But I agree, no substance, cheerleading. yep.

Doug said...

Destroy the free market system: by intervening with certain corporations (GM, Chrysler, Citibank, AIG, etc.). Now King Barack gets to decide who suceeds and who fails. This is not America.

Ignore the law of the land: When King Barack decides to micromanage the "bankruptcy of Chrysler and GM" and disregards the established laws of bankruptcy.

Usurp powers not granted to him by the constitution: By taking direct control of the census, by forcing states to accept federal funds, by forcing banks to accept federal funds and control, by firing inspector generals without notification required by law.

Cripple our military and defenses: by killing the F-22 program (the world's premier fighter), by cutting our missle defenses (and getting Big Fat Zero in return).

"Re-make" our great country: by accelerating the fall into socialism and statism, by continuing to spread the lie that more and more Americans simply can't take care of themselves, by forcing the government take overs of corporations, healthcare and, ahem, carbon "polution".

Destroy our free elections: by funnelling billions into corrupt and fraudulent democrat election rigging machines like ACORN, by the aforementioned "oversight" and interference in the US census, by appointing "Czars" and granting them great powers without any congrssional oversight.

Sean, just out of curiosity where did this come from?

Sean said...

I didn't copy it from anywhere, if that's what you're asking. It spewed forth from my own, thick skull.

Doug said...

Good deal.
Just wondered why there were quotation marks on one of the paragraphs. Can't have the barack-o-censors getting on our ass about plagiarism.
You're freaking me out man!

Sean said...

strange - I don't see any paragraphs quoted, but some words and phrases.

Doug said...

My mistake then. My apologies.

Ric Larson said...

The; ‘big zero’. Is it like the ‘big O’?

Pat said...

RIC...for your info, I meant he was a big negative. he'll be a misery for perhaps 8 years. would you wish
to live like that?

Ric Larson said...

That's a BIG 10-4 Pat!