Sunday, July 19, 2009

Stop Obamacare. If not for your children, then do it for your parents

April 29, David Leonhardt interview - "I mean, the chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health care bill out here. …you have to have some independent group that can give you guidance. It’s not determinative, but I think has to be able to give you some guidance. And that’s part of what I suspect you’ll see emerging out of the various health care conversations that are taking place on the Hill right now."

July 15, press conference following meeting with nurses union – “encourage people to look at hospices as legitimate option”


Cindy said...

Sean, there has been a trend already happening in hospitals to offer Palliative care (from Latin palliare, to cloak). It is "medical care or treatment that concentrates on reducing the severity of disease symptoms, rather than striving to halt, delay, or reverse progression of the disease itself or provide a cure. The goal is to prevent and relieve suffering and to improve quality of life for people facing serious, complex illness. Non-hospice palliative care is not dependent on prognosis and is offered in conjunction with curative and all other appropriate forms of medical treatment." (from Wiki) Hospice care delivers palliative care to those at the end of life. At the hospital I work for we have a department called Q-Life (for "quality) with social workers and nurses who help families and patients make decisions about their care.

Sean said...

It is one thing to make a choice to go that route, it is entirely another thing for the government to be involved in, influencing or actually making the choice for you.

juliet said...

Sean you keep up this rhetoric but the reality is everyone will have the choice to continue with private health insurance. The government is going to put a cap on how much people can be charged who carry social health coverage. You can still go to a private hospital and pay away your life savings if you want for the same care somewhere else. THis lack of choice is bogus rhetoric to induce the fear factor so that people like yourself will continue to support the good ole boy coalition that has economically devastated this country. All your new posts read like someone in the middle of a anxiety crisis. GO to your doctor since you have such good insurance and get some treatment.

Dave said...

The GOB coalition causing economic devastation? How do you figure when the current administration has quadrupled the national debt in only six months, and has spent more money than all the presidents from George Washington to George W. Bush, combined. What kind of bogus rhetoric can Sean possibly be spewing, that would refute that fact. The way I see it, Sean is trying to warn all of us what is most definitely coming. I can see it happening around me, why can't you? Yes your guy won, but he will make losers out of all of us.

juliet said...

We live in a democracy. If the majority of Americans do not want this or don't like it down the road they can change it.

Sean said...

We live in a democratic republic. This means we (the people) don't actually get to vote on everything, instead we democratically elect our representatives who make laws. (unless, of course, the policies are "made" in the circuit court).

Doug said...

while I get your point about the courts it's most unlikely that it would take place at the circuit level.
More likely at Federal appellate, State Supreme and US Supreme Court levels.
Like it or not the US Supreme Court is sometimes faced with interpreting constitutional intent as it relates to contemporary law relative to both the public and private sectors.
You or I may not agree with that interpretation but that is part of their function.
Possibly one of the most under rated Presidential influences on society is their potential impact on the makeup of the court.

Sean said...

Doug, that was a sarcastic reference to Sonia Sotomayor's comment about how policies are made in the circuit court.

DRL said...

Cindy, until you and your industry are willing to give the help to those who need it, I can't take what you say seriously. All your industry needs to do is "provide health care to everyone", and the problem is solved. You have already said it ain't gonna happen.

DRL said...

Juliet, remember form the earlier post. If someone does not have private insurance, they will "never" be able to buy it. Once on the socialized health care doll, alway on it.
As this number grows and there are less private health care providers/insurers the socialize health care will take over completely. You want that, but some of us don't.
It scares me how many Americans want Nazism to come to America.

DRL said...

Dave this is so true. But why can't the liberals see what Obama and the Democrats are doing to our nation? They think this administration can do nothing wrong (Nazi). Many used the deficit against the republicans and last atomisation, but as I mentioned earlier the deficit has quadrupled under Obama, and with no positive results. If the deficit is the result of a president's achievements, then we know what to say here. The housing crisis is worse. The jobless rate is increasing to depression levels. I worked before the election of this. Obama is taking a page out of Hitlers book, and is destroying America. Once we are at a helpless rate, the only one that will be able to help us will be Obama. Hey that is what Hitler did.

DRL said...

Juliet, it may be too late by then. Once again, Look at Germany when the citizens realised what they had, it was too late. You said anything against Hitler, you disappeared.
We live in a "republic" by the way. Not a "democracy". This is one of the problems with American education.
So, even those who's representatives "lost" the election are still supposed to be part of the system. I am as relevant to Obama as a liberal. He will not treat me the same.

juliet said...

Where are you getting your facts DRL. The private health care insurance is alive and well in Germany and Europe and it will probably be thriving in the USA,only your coverage will be clearly defined and probably better and cheaper. The Nazi era was a short chapeter in German History. Please read your History book from 1945 on.

DRL said...

Juliet, if you think the Nazi era is over, you haven't read much on it. The Nazi party is alive and well in many forms. Socialism, aryan nations, and others. Obama is fallowing the Nazi protocol to a tee. Google Nazi in any year after 1945 and you will find something on them. But what is worse is when, as you said, Obama sees how well it is doing in Germany (the foundation of Nazism) and say it will thrive in America too. No thank you.

DRL said...

Juliet, we in America are built on many things, but Socialism is not one of them. To change what has been for more than 200 year for the benefit of the elite and those who will not work is not what our fore fathers had in mind.
If you love socialism, stay where it exists, but to wish for it to thrive in America is wrong.
Like I said, look at history, socialism throughout history and it doesn't look good. Sweden and Canada have horrible socialized medicine. It has been said that only one out of two who need cancer treatment will receive it in time to save their lives.
Germany only works if you have a social status that allows you treatment. No, we don't want that. I don't want to end up in one of Obama's gas chambers.
although, you and other liberals are for population control, as Hitler was. So, maybe socialized health care will wipe out the "undesirables (Conservatives)". Obama will make us wear a "C" on our coats.

juliet said...

Drl the foundations of socialism are in the Bible.

DRL said...

No, the Bible's basis of a society is a Theocracy. Remember how upset God was when the people wanted a king and gave them Saul. Samuel told the people they would get what they asked for, and he would be a bad king.
No where in the Bible will you find socialism. Jesus especially was not into healing everybody, feeding everybody, or anything that would promote socialism. I can pull up a bunch of verses that will show that.
I first would like to have you or anyone to show me in the Bible where socialism is taught. This is open to the conservatives, and Christians. I have studied this, by the way. Have you? You will be surprised, I think.