Friday, July 17, 2009

Obama's four basic criteria for bailout

In the VP debate, Biden made the following statement about Obama's requirements for a financial bailout. How would you score him on what he's actually done?

basic criteria for bailout
we're not going to write any check to anybody unless there's oversight.
focus on home owners and main street -
treat taxpayers like investments.
make sure CEO's don't benefit


Doug said...

Well I guess it's safe to say the moratorium on new threads has come to an end.

DRL said...

Let me see, Joe Bidden is a liar.
Remember he had to drop out of the presidential race for plagiarism.
He has given out secrets and Obama even rolls his eyes when someone tells him what his VP said.

Sad situation. The thing about it is, no VP has ever had any power. It all comes from the president.

When I was aboard ship, we had a guy that would come up with the darnedest stuff. We started a log of his saying. Maybe we should start a thread that has something like that.

Bidden Log

juliet said...


DRL said...

Good start Juliet.

mat said...

Yea good one Juliet!Except that if it were Bush and Cheney you would be like AHAA! And chomping at the bit for satisfaction.Oh wait!Your guy did win and Bush and Cheney are no longer in "Power".So now what?Wait!hehehehe.