Friday, July 10, 2009

Obama "miss read" the economy!!!

Obama does not know what he is doing with the economy. More jobs have been lost and unemployment is at its highest rate in 26 years (and still rising, showing no stopping).
Obama has fired more than 21,000 people.
Stimulus package is not helping, but hurting the economy.
This is what a socialist dreams are made of. The more people dependant on the government, the more power the government has over the people.
Obama has raised taxes on the poorest Americans, a campaign promise broken.


Sean said...

Obama Lied, Prosperity Died!

I'm taking orders for bumper stickers.

mat said...

I'll take 10.

Pat said...

Yea, you would mat.

mat said...

Email your adress pat and I'll send you one.You can put it on the bumper of your F150!Hahhaha.

Pat said...

no Mat, then I'll have to remove the "piss on chevy" sticker. not an option.

Joanna said...

Prove that this was not due to the prior administration's screw ups of major proportions.

mat said...

Hey Pat I have one of those stickers too.Its on my Dodge.