Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Go figure!!!


Pat said...

OMG! did that girl think it was raining?

Doug said...

The first one is just good old american ingenuity :)

Ric Larson said...


DRL said...

Pat, don't drink the yellow rain :)

Doug, I thought the first one was Mat, ha haaaaaaaa.

Yea, Ric, laugh it up now, in 50 years that will be me messing with you, oh yea!

Pat said...

No yellow rain, or for Yankees, no yellow snow.

DRL said...

Pat, when snow birds come up herein the winter, we tell them that nature flavors the snow just like snow cones. Hee heee.
That is not so bad. Any one remember the paper wasps on Guam couldn't tell where the first rock came from. So, we would throw the first rock and tell the new houlie's that paper wasps were too stupid to know where rocks come from. So the new houlie would throw the second just as we would run for our lives. They would be caught there alone. The old saying, "I can run faster scared than you can mad" is so true in this case.

DRL said...

OOPS, I meant 'sun birds'.

Pat said...

drl, they are called "snow birds" here. They can't drive worth crap and every thing is done better in Ohio...New York...Michigan etc. in their little Yankee eyes.

DRL said...

Yea, Pat, we get the sun birds here, who know the best way to run things in Idaho, when they have already trashed California.

Pat said...

I hear that.,But speaking of California....the Today show had a story this am about a CA campaign to legalize marijuana. Tax it and be able to pay thousands of teachers. Sounds like a good plan to me!