Monday, July 13, 2009

Another cute and fuzzy. No, not me.

This was taken during a heat wave in Australia.


Pat said...

AWWWW I love koalas. Look at him in his own little swimming pool.

juliet said...

Cute but they are turd munchers, just can't see them as cute as before since I learned that about them on animal planet. Their babies live off moms turds.

Ric Larson said...

That was taken during a heat wave in Australia? Well, it’s been fairly cool this summer in the northeast of the once great US of A. That is one cute little turd DRL! Do they snuggle at night like doggies? If so, I want one!

DRL said...

Thanks Juliet, I missed that one on Animal Planet. I love the channel, but hate it when they make a little fuzzball into a turd eater. Although, I have a dog that thinks the cat box is a desert trey. Yep, we have to keep her out of the basement.
Maybe it is just washing off dinner for the kids. Heeeeee

Ric, if you get one, have it spade!!!