Saturday, July 4, 2009

WTF - Palin Resigns

Gov. Palin unexpectedly announced her resignation as Governor of Alaska today. The move comes without explanation, further solidifying her reputation as a nut case.


Doug said...

And so begins campaign 2012.

rac said...

I don't think so. I believe there's a bomb shell about to go off. Maybe she's pregnant with the love child of SC Gov (lol). There's just way too many peculiarities for this story to be anything "normal". Anyone want to take bets?

mat said...

I don't know they just started talking about it as I was clocking in for work.Maybe she's just tired of the limelight and attention and wants to go back to hunting moose and fishing. I couldn't blame her for that.Look how the media and folks on the left have dogged her and her family.Look what rac said"certified nut job" wow!kinda harsh.Why so mean?You don't even know her or her family.I doubt theres any scandal.Could be though politics are funny that way.I hope her up to the task.If there is no scandal and shes just fed up that kind of sucks for the people of Alaska.It's just quitting.That should never be an option.Would I vote for her again if that were the case?Probably not but I think back to when I was in the Army and if you had to go before the company commander for an Article 15 (Captains Mast in the Navy)which I did twice after the charges are read you had an opportunity to plead extinuation and mitigation meaning extinuating circumstances led to the charges and should therefor mitigate punishment.I'm not taking any bets though.But I am curious.

mat said...

BTW,I plead extinuation and mitigation both times and got suspended busts(you get to keep your rank unless you screw up) and had to forfeit some pay for 60 days and perform extra duty as well as being confined to the barracks.To the non veterans I made out like a bandit.Hehehe.The fist one was for disobeying a lawful regulation and the second one was for disobeying a lawful order.What can I say.I was a circle rat.Tell me I can't do something and thats like throwing the gauntlet.Actually it becomes a challenge.Aaaah to be young again.

Pat said...

I don't blame her

rac said...

Yes, but remember this is the same person the cons tried voting in to the 2nd highest office of the land. Had they been successful she would have been one bad 72 y/o heartbeat away from the presidency. If she can't handle a little heat from the press how would she have handled Iran?

Harsh mat? Would you like to review the disrespectful terms you've used for the current sitting president? And if she's quitting because of a few "harsh" words it speaks even more of her lack of character. In which case, nut job would be a completely appropriate description.

Sean said...

It would be difficult to run for national ofice frmo Alaska. The travel times to get anywhere are substantial and there really isn't any press up there unless they are digging for dirt. She is still the most popular draw of the republican party now. She is a forced to be reckoned with and she needs to concentrate on raising money and campaigning now.

Most governors who run don't stay in office while they do it. I can only wish that senators would follow the same process (imagine a senate without McCain, Kerry, etc.). But that is also part of the difference in being a senator (one voice in a crowd) and being a mayor or governor (an executive on the hook).

If any of you lefties have the courage . . . take an actual look at what she says, not what your are spoonfed by MSNBC, CNN and the dinasaur media news stations. But, then again, most don't even take an unfiltered look at Obama. Ignorance truly is bliss, no?

rac said...

I just moved Sean - I don't even have TV yet. And where do you get your news?

rac said...

If she quit to run for the presidency why didn't she just say so. So much for transparency in government. And usually when someone resigns to run for the presidency there a big to-do about it. Not her. The press conference was so last minute most of the press couldn't even get there in time. And right before a holiday weekend? One usually pulls that stunt when there's something to hide.

rac said...

Oh yeah, interested in putting a c-note on that Sean?

Sean said...

Remember this?

2004: You know, I am a believer in knowing what you're doing when you apply for a job. And I think that if I were to seriously consider running on a national ticket, I would essentially have to start now, before having served a day in the Senate. Now, there are some people who might be comfortable doing that, but I'm not one of those people.

2006: I will serve out my full six-year term. You know, Tim, if you get asked enough, sooner or later you get weary and you start looking for new ways of saying things, but my thinking has not changed.

Sean said...

RAC, c-note no what?

Doug said...

Life is too short to compromise time and resources... it may be tempting and more comfortable to just keep your head down, plod along, and appease those who demand: "Sit down and shut up", but that's the worthless, easy path; that's a quitter's way out. And a problem in our country today is apathy. It would be apathetic to just hunker down and "go with the flow". she effaces quitting by, telling the good people of Alaska that she's in fact quitting.
Matt, you may take offense at the characterizing of Palin as a "nut job" but the chick is not playing with a full deck.

rac said...

A hundred bucks on you say she quit to run for president and I say she didn't.

rac said...

Obama resigned AFTER he was elected President - not 3 1/2 years before the election. Seems to me she had plenty of time to fulfill her obligations to the people who elected her.

rac said...

“I think Sarah Palin is on the verge of becoming the Miami Vice of American politics: Something a lot of people once thought was cool and then 20 years later look back, shake their heads and just kind of laugh,” quipped Republican media consultant Todd Harris.

juliet said...

Over here they say she is running for President in '12.

rac said...

From the Washington Post:

"I thought about, well, how much fun some governors have as lame ducks," [Palin] said. "They maybe travel around their state, travel to other states, maybe take their overseas international trade missions. So many politicians do that. And then I thought, that's what wrong . . . . They hit the road, they draw a paycheck, they kind of milk it, and I'm not going to put Alaskans through that."

That is a fundamental misunderstanding of the responsibilities of governing. Every president becomes a lame duck in their second term. The same for governors, since many are term-limited. Do they "milk it," as Palin put it, or do most continue working hard to the end to finish off their terms with real accomplishments?

Palin need only look back at the GOP's favorite president for an answer. Some of Ronald Reagan's most significant foreign policy accomplishments came in the final two years of his presidency. Most politicians would find offensive her description of how they spend their final year or two in office.

Palin is entitled to resign the office. But in disparaging others to justify her course, she has left herself open to legitimate criticism that she is walking away for the wrong reasons.

Sean said...

RAC - no BO didn't resign from his office, but surely you aren't saying he actually fulfilled the duties of his office once he started running... This is a critisibm I will also level against McCain, Kerry, Clinton and all the other senators who continue to hold their office while running for president. It is a chickenshit move.

Doug said...

Well then let's not forget to add Palin, who also did not resign to run, to the "chickenshit" club.

Sean said...

Touche! Doug you make a great point. Although it is a bit different because senators don't have Lt. Senators who can cover for them.

Doug said...

And every state has two senators.

Sean said...

Yes, but I don't think the one can cast a vote for the other.

juliet said...

She seems like a real slim they are lucky to be rid of her.

Sean said...

Juliet - why do you think Sarah Palin is a real slim(e)?

Pat said...

I have to agree with Juliet. Too many people think she's too dumb. Hey, I feel for her. I'm all for women in office,(dems or reps) but she has too much riding against her. She might get a ticket for the local (dog catcher) at this point.

rac said...

HuffPost: Even Fox News has started to turn on Sarah Palin. In the midst of a segment about the Alaska Governor's battle against "liberal" attacks, Liz Trotta went off-message.

Frankly, "the woman is inarticulate, undereducated," Trotta said, arguing that for once liberal criticism was "well-deserved."

"I think all the liberal stylists ... really have a case. She just begs for adjectives like flaky and wacky." When pressed, she added, "We're talking about somebody who, right from the get-go, has been a flashy person who gets into a lot of trouble and really has no credentials for any job."

Ric Larson said...

For what ever my 2 cents is worth, I personally like Sarah Palin; her policies, politics, looks, her State and in general…Sarah Palin herself.

I am so done with political debates on this blog, but I think that America will be counting on her some time soon in the near future.

As an American, it is so nice to be able to voice a personal opinion. At the same time, as an American I must also accept that those that don’t agree with my voiced opinion, do have the right to voice their disagreement with my opinion. Yes, I may be offended by your comments or opinions, but that is the price of true freedom.

Sarah ROCKS!

mat said...

If she steps down her appointed Lt Gov gets to carry on the torch.She has been demonized and made fun of Ad Nauseum(as well as her family).Her oldest son is in Iraq at a really dangerous time.Her oldest daughter is working through the difficulties of being a single mother, she has a severely handicapped child and her youngest daughter and husband were made fun of on a major TV late night show.At the same time BO's family was declarerd off limits by the mainstream media.For those of you that think you "care" and are better than us,stay tuned.

Doug said...

Count on her for what?
To cowardly bully her political opponents and detractors?
To incessantly portray herself as a martyr to the cause and victim of liberal media bias?
To formulate policy & conduct herself procedurally in a manner near devoid of a knowledge of some of the most fundamental tenets of constitutional law?
To quit?
In short of three years as governor of the state of Alaska Palin has managed to alienate the legislature of the state to the point of being largely ineffective as chief executive. Some of her most vocal critics are her former closest supporters.
She's in over her head. She is in my opinion an absurd self caricature wholly deserving of the public derision to which she has been subjected.

rac said...

What makes this story so important is that this was/is the GOP's alternative to the current administration. Mat just listed a whole string of reasons why he thinks we should feel sorry for her and justify her erratic and irresponsible behavior. And yet he also wanted us to put her one 72 y/o heartbeat away from the most powerful office in the world. I ask you, does this make any sense? And with all the recent revelations about their campaign, what does it say about McCain's judge of character? Maybe next time the GOP will come up with some candidates we can all take serious... even after the election.

mat said...

I never said feel sorry for her I just said look what was being said about her and her family.Thanks for making my point by talking around my comments.You make this easy.

mat said...

And based on your hatred of Sarah Palin just reinforces our parties support of her.The more you hate her the more we like her.Hehehe.Again,your guy won why are you so scared of her?

mat said...

She resigned,stepped down,you should be dancing in the streets.It reminds me of a comedian I heard way back,I don't remember his name but he said "people say you shouldn't kick a man when he's down but think about it,isn't that the best time?"Thats ok folks.Wait for it.

mat said...

Mother,Grandmother,Woman,Everything liberals support.Oh wait.Shes married.Strike one.Heterosexual.Strike two.White.Strike three.

mat said...

Oh yeh what else?She didn't go to an Ivy league school.Came from a modest upbringing.Became a Mayor and then a Governor.Everything "lefties" would support.Pulled herself up from the bootstraps.But shes a wack job.Please explain.I mean list some specifics.

rac said...

Well mat, for starters, lets use your own words to describe her: "...shes just fed up that kind of sucks for the people of Alaska.It's just quitting."

Not very presidential wouldn't you say?

Doug said...

If you wish to believe that public wariness of Palin comes from the fact that she's a woman, or that she comes from humble beginnings, or that she's a mother or grandmother or that she didn't go to Brown so be it.
To do so in this case however trivializes the discussion to the level of the perceived victimized which is exactly what she seeks.
The fact is that there are very real and legitimate concerns over this woman's ability to govern and qualifications for leadership.
Whining about how her family has been publicly picked on is, under these circumstances, laughable.
It was after all Palin that chose to parade her family before the Republican Convention like some circus sideshow complete with the "fiancee" stuffed and squirming into a new suit for all to ogle.
It was the Palin's and their daughter that chose to embark on the talk show circuit to pontificate over the difficulties of single parenthood and the importance of safe sex practices. It was in fact their choice to put themselves in the public realm. Not the other way around.

Pat said...

Mat, what's the deal with this "just wait" quote you spout AGAIN? You didn't prove anything to me the last time you tooted your little horn. Speak up! What am I waiting for? I'm thinking not much:)

Pat said...

Touche' Doug. Point well taken.

Dave said...

I don't think we've seen the last of Sarah Palin. And while nobody on the left seems to like the messenger, I'm willing to bet they are very much afraid of her message.

Ric Larson said...

Pedro for President!

Pat said...

Ok...Pedro for president. I'm with u on that Ric.

Doug said...

Afraid of Palin? I don't think so.
It's a ways to 2012 and a lot can happen. However.
If by some confluence of events Palin is part of the Republican ticket in 2012 it greatly increases the likelihood of the Democrats holding the White House.
For the Republicans to regain the White House they have to have a number of Democrats cross over as well as at least hold their own with Independents.
Palin's appeal lies with the Republican base. She brings nothing to the table in attracting voters other than those that are pretty much guaranteed to vote Republican anyways.
Ask the McCain camp how much of an asset they think Palin's "message" was.

Pat said...

Dougie, my sweetheart. Please get over the politics once in a while. I love your sweet side;)

Pat said...

never mind Doug. I like all your "sides". Keep it comin!

Doug said...

I can't help it.
Long ago I grew up on this little green dot out in the Western Pacific where just to survive one almost had to become a hyper opinionated dickwad.
And believe it or not most of the time when I post that IS my sweet side. I save my evil, surly side for special occasions. You know, like football games and family gatherings.
But I do appreciate your sentiment and I promise that soon I'm going to post something completely

Pat said...

See, that's just what I mean. You made me grin as usual. xxxooo to you!

rac said...

To Doug's point, there's nothing the Dems would like better than Palin at the top of the GOP ticket in 2012. It'll be like shooting ducks in a barrel... or is that wolves from a helicopter. ;)

Dave said...

After four years of BHO and his brilliant sidekick, we'll see who looks like a barrel of monkeys and a bunch of sitting ducks. Palin is the main reason the McCain ticket got 50+million votes. McCain was asleep at the wheel and standing on his own, was a loser for sure. Match Palin with a decent running mate and you'll see the conservative base come out of the wood work.

Pat said...

She has to get educated first Dave. I don't dislike her, but it would be like running for pres. Just another pretty face;)

rac said...

The problem Dave is the conservative base only accounts for 20 something percent of eligible voters. If you can't pull independents and moderates you can't win. IMO, Palin will do just the opposite - she'll drive those voters away.

rac said...

"Pullin' a Palin" now in Urban Dictionary

Doug said...

Right along with "Hiking the Appalachian Trail".
Oh those wild and wacky neo-cons.

Joanna said...

Doug and Pat,You two are so neat to read. I agree with a lot of what you two comment on:) Oh and the xo's.Cool.