Sunday, July 19, 2009

Choices for healthcare providers

Do doctors and hospitals have any choice about Medicare or are they forced to accept it, even at a loss? Does this not raise the costs for the rest of us?

Will doctors and hospitals have any choice about Obamacare or will they also be forced to accept it, no matter what?


mat said...

The way it works now is if a doctor decides to hang a shingle and work for themself they decide whether they want to accept various plans.Some get involved in MIP,Medicare,MediCal etc.Because they know how the system works and hire billing specialists that are familiar with the associated paperwork and the providers are willing to give the govt. a pre agreed upon price for procedures.Thats cool but the govt.shouldn't require it.My doctor loves United Healthcare because they pay right away and don't try to negotiate down prices for procedures and tests.He hates Walmarts plans because they are considered self insured and employ a lot of attorneys who question everything.He still accepts them because he is a registered workmans comp provider.Thats how you make the money.But make no mistake.A lot of doctors don't want the hassle.I go to him because he's a hell of a doctor(I don't have to).Under ObamaCare you wont have that choice.So the question becomes would you rather go where its free and be told what you can and cannot have done to your body?Or be willing to pay for it and shop around for the best care possible?I mean it is your life after all.Don't you look for the best clothes or best car at the best price?Or do you take what goodwill has to offer and say"thats the best I can do"?sad!

mat said...

Its all about setting goals in your life.Short term and long term.Be willing to take the scraps that life throws at you or saying "I want it all and am willing to buckle down and do what I have to do to get it"?Whats it gonna be folks?

DRL said...

Sean, under Obama's plan, a Doctor will not survive unless he accepts Obamacare. Now, a Doctor has the right to accept, as Mat said, plans. My Doctor does not accept government plans like Medicaid. He doesn't charge more then they pay, but has spends more time on government paperwork than he can see patients. He is a good enough Doctor that he quit accepting new patients years ago. The only way you can get into see him (if you are not already a patient), is to be born/adopted into or married to a current patient.
He does not need or want the government socialized medicine.

DRL said...

No one has brought up that point yet, that I have seen.

If the Doctors are spending even more time on paperwork, and less time on patients, how long will the lines be then????

DRL said...

Something else I was thinking about is how socialism works.

See, Nazi health care was like this. If the leader (now Obama) likes you, you can sometime get help. If he doesn't, then he puts you, with women and children into a large room and fill it with gas.

mat said...

It can happen folks.But you can change it.Do you trust yourself or a stranger with your future?

DRL said...

Mat, who has the best interest at heart for your wife and children's future? That is the question, and the answer will be the same as what you asked.
Who in their right mind would think Obama knows what is best for you, me and our loved ones? I can tell you, "a socialist". Remember what Obama's secretary of State said, "it takes a village". No longer are parents viable, it is the community that knows whats best, and only if the village agrees with Obama. Hey, that always bothered me. "village" is the nick name for San Francisco. Obama thinks a gay community is best for you children. (I know a twist of words, but it fits).