Friday, July 10, 2009

Obamateurism of the Day

From Reuters: Referring to the long history of Russia-U.S. trade stretching back more than two centuries, Obama told an audience of business people in Moscow:

“Along the way, you gave us a pretty good deal on Alaska. Thank you.”

Czar Alexander II’s sale of Alaska to the United States in 1867 for $7.2 million in gold, around 1.9 cents per acre, was regarded by Russians as a national disgrace — particularly once it became clear that the province was rich in oil.


Pat said...

Hey, they bit it and it was Good! MMMMMM. Sean, what's the Band Wagon you're on? Are you running for something? If so, my vote is for sure for Pedro.

Pat said...

Hey and how bout a game of Texas Hold Em? I bet i kick Your ass Sean. Sorry, I'm such a sweetie at heart. Just ask Doug.

Pat said...

By the way, I take offense to your cartoon pic of Obama. I have a 16 yr old, half black son, named Martin. That pic was disturbing to him. Be careful of what you post on here.

mat said...

I have a half black grandson named Marcel whos nine and I don't let him read the blog and when the presidential elections were going on he was all stoked because BO is half black and he was spoonfed in school at eight years old how it was time for the African American to be recognized because the white man held them down all these years.I explained how it's not the color of your skin but whats in your heart.First of all eight is too young to be spoonfed this shit and second of all I explained to my Grandson how I was white(as if it wasn't obvious}his grandma was was a quarter white,a quarter chamorro and half Japanese.I don't need to break down what that makes his mom(my daughter).I don't take ofense.I think its about God damn time we stop being made to feel guilty about our skin color.You know what, my Grandsons(the other one,Adam is half mexican)love me to death and worship the ground Benita and I walk on.If that picture was disturbing to your son Pat,maybe you shouldn't let him look at the blog.Isn't sixteen still a minor under Florida law and shouldn't you as a parent be looking at and monitoring what he looks at?Hmmm?It doesn't take a village it takes a parent.And sometimes it aint easy.Peace.

mat said...

And lighten up.That picture was no worse than you would see in Mad magazine or on Saturday Night Live. Or network TV for that matter.If it was George Bush or Sarah Palin yould be cracking up with your son!Hypocrite.

Pat said...

Lighten up Mat? Ha that's too funny, coming from MR. anal you. Mind you, my kid is 16. He is limited to his internet use. That's why he has my password, not his own. And I don't keep any thing from my kids. It's a great big world out there. They need to be enlightened/educated. Also, It's really cool that they are considerate, kind, little men. :)

rac said...

I think Sean is going to have a stroke.

Sean said...

If I do have a stroke I hope it comes while I still have my own health insurance.

Pat said...

hahaha sean, for your sake, I hope so too.

Sean said...

so. . . you don't support single-payer, government controlled healthcare?

Pat said...

Exactly the reason I do support universal heath care sean. You could lose your job and health insurance at any time. I don't know if you have a family, but such a scenario would be devastating to any family.

Joanna said...

Watch what you wish for Sean.Your the biggest bread winner of your family right? You should put money aside for your siblings that don't have it as good as you. If you want the government out then put aside an account to care and bury whoever goes first...Just real advice.

Doug said...

Regardless of your insurance I hope you don't have a stroke. Those things can mess you up.

Sean said...

Yes, government should take care of everyone. Just put your trust in Washington and all will be fine.

If you believe that you should move to Singapore. A nice, clean place to live, but a dictatorship no doubt.

This idea of a nanny state is absolutely un-American and the feds have no powers granted to them in the constitution to implement such a scheme.

Be responsible for your self and your family. If the feds would get out of the way, we could buy our own health policies in the same way we buy (and own) our own car/home/life insurance. Then changing jobs would have no effect on them.

Doug said...

Not to be a stickler but you never completely "own" your home since local government can take possession of it for non payment of taxes.

Sean said...

I was talking about owning insurance policies (which, I suppose you really only rent).

But, the feds seizing property is a "whole 'nother" discussion...

Doug said...

It wouldn't be the Fed. Municipalities mainly. For non payment of property taxes.

As far as insurance, well that's really more akin to gambling.
I buy life insurance. I'm betting I'm going to die, they're betting that I won't before such time as they have made enough off of my premiums to make a profit after paying the death benefit.
I buy auto insurance. I'm betting I'm going to have an accident. They're betting I'm not.
The odds (rates) for these bets are determined by professional and scientific bean counters known as actuaries.
Insurance is another rigged game in which the insured (gambler) has little chance to come out ahead against the insurer (the house).

Sean said...

well, that depends. If you drive your car (or your body) for your life and don't crash it, then you have paid for the other policy holders. but, on the other hand, if you total your car you would make out.

Overall, the total contributions to the plan must be greater than the total benefits paid, otherwise the carrier goes out of business. Unless, of course, the "carrier" is the federal government. In that case, running at a deficit (i.e. bankrupt) is "no problem at all". The policy holders would continue in blissful ignorance of the actual insolvency of the insurance carrier (i.e. Medicare and Medicaid).

Don't be fooled by the rhetoric, the whole healthcare reform movement IS NOT about covering those without insurance, it is really about getting more payers into the system so the government has more money to play with.

rac said...

Obamateurism: (1) the bursting of an artery in the brain caused by obsessing over Obama.

"Sean was so obsessed with Obama it raised his blood pressure to the point he had an Obamateurism. The resulting stroke cause him to babble incoherently out the side of his mouth and made him a real bore at the party."

Sean said...

RAC - you crack me up. That was funny.

Doug said...

Obamacam (noun): slang or generic term used in describing security/satellite/FBI recognition camera technology.

Fearing being Obamacam'ed Doug rarely went out in public without donning his disguise as a census taker.

rac said...

I sense the makings of a great thread.

rac said...

Obamagasm: what women have during sex with their boyfriend/husband while fantasizing about Obama.

Doug said...

Nobamaing: (verb) (var) Nobama'ed. Root: Nobama.
The act of rescinding, reallocating, or altogether confiscating private wealth.

"Employees at AIG became apoplectic at the news that their annual bonuses had been Nobama'ed."

Doug said...

I've got to stop. I'm sitting here at work and laughing so hard tears are running down my face. Good stuff RAC.

rac said...

Obamacock: the rolled up pair of socks an insecure male puts down his pants to appear more manly.

"Mom, did you wash my obamacock?" asked John. "I have a date with the new neighbor girl tonight."

rac said...

Obamituary: a brief notice one receives in the local paper after dying from an obamateurism.

rac said...

Obamooty: an ass fine enough to get a second look by the leader of the free world.

Doug said...

Bric-a-barack: (noun) 1. remnants, leftovers, undesirable debris.
2.picked over carcass

"After losing their home to foreclosure and forfeiting most of their possessions to creditors and repossession the Goldfarb family was left with little more than bric-a-barack."

rac said...


Sean said...

rebamaing - the redistribution of the wealth and goods obtained by the practive of nobamaing.

"Look what I got with my rebama check"

rac said...

Barack Obamitzva: a celebration liberals hold when their children turn legal voting age.

Sean said...

Laraza Quinceanerobama - a celebration "undocumented workers" hold when their children turn illegal voting age

rac said...

Obamedia: The mainstream press. Everyone other than Fox News.

rac said...

Turning Barack the clock: To repeal an unconstitutional executive order issued by the Bush administration.

Pat said...

OMG guys, thanks for my friday night entertainment! :)

Dave said...

koolobamaid: favorite drink of the left, non-alcoholic but highly intoxicating.

Cindy said...

Barackycardia: irregular heartbeat experienced by members of this blog when debating political topics of the day.

Pat said...

obamanaproxen. "All day pain relief" after reading any Larson brothers posts :)

rac said...

Obamalicious: latest flavor of government cheese. Replaced the old faild brand of DickCheneese.

rac said...

Peanut Barack and Jelly: Best served with a tall glass of koolobamaid.

Cindy said...

obamanizer: man who looks at any other woman besides his wife or girlfriend.

rac said...

Glen Obameck: a less successful and nuttier version of a Rush Limbama.

rac said...

Obamabucks: money conservatives pay to have Obamecks and Limbamas scare the shit out of them.

Cindy said...

Barackial plexus: term used by liberals in the medical field for "nerve" as in "Dude, you're gettin on my last barackial plexus for bashing my President like that".

Pat said...

Barack-o-bootie... A women tried her first taste of this world renowned candy bar and declared it was scrumptious! (she also claimed he wasn't looking at her ass)

rac said...

Obamalls: what a teabagger places in his mouth while engaged in protest.

rac said...

Afro-disiac: What conservatives give their wives in order to have sex with them. Any "pleasure" obtained by the woman is always in the form of an obamagasm.

Dave said...

obamaline: the next fuel to power cars from obamalet.

juliet said...

OBAMAID- Stimulus package for starving AIG execs.