Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How Cults Think


juliet said...

Great post I think you are trying in vain with some of the DC Bloggers to see a parallel between religion and logical reason. Good luck with that!

College students away from home for the first time are really victims for this stuff and military recruiters.

rac said...

Actually, I've decided that everytime Sean and DRL go off on a tangent I would post something about the biggest behind-the-scene leader of their party. You won't be able to get them to admit it but Moon has done more in the last 4 decades to shape the Republican party the than all their other leaders combined. What does that tell you?

juliet said...

Until they hear it on FOX you have no

rac said...

Oh, so you mean unless the Moonies tell them the Moonies are controlling them the won't believe it? Yeah, you're right, fat chance.

DRL said...

RAC, I had to wait till I could watch it at home (sound).
Yep, I agree that he is instrumental in the party, but that in no way means that the Republican party is a Moony party.

Look at the wackos of the liberal party. Ted Kennedy, Sen. Byrd, Barny Frank, etc.....
The Democratic party is make up of unsavory characters too, only they actually run the party.
I would imagine if we each listed the people of each party that are despicable people, the list would be long. The thing about America, is every one can participate.

rac said...

Do your research DRL, Moon is more than a member of your party - he bought your party... and your church too. Money is a powerful motivator.

DRL said...

I do and I also know that regardless of who the "backers" are, the people still have the final vote.

rac said...

Is that what you tell your employer?

Doug said...

Well see there's another difference. All the Democratic whackos you listed were in fact voted into office. It is as you say the people having the final vote. In the case of Byrd & Kennedy many times over.
Moon on the other hand is that insidious breed of carpetbagger that will steal what he can't buy and destroy that which he cannot own.
The man has as far as I can tell not a single redeeming feature.

DRL said...

Don't know what you are asking? What about my employer?

Doug, my point is that these people are voted in. They are worse than Moon, yet liberals look to them like Moonies look to Moon.

rac said...

Do you tell your employer (the backers) that it is you (the people) who has the final vote?

DRL said...

RAC, I tell everyone I have the final vote. We, as citizens can vote how we want. That is what my point was about the liberals in congress, over and over.

rac said...


DRL said...

Yea, you can talk about the man behind the curtain, but I vote. All the conspiracy theories you want to throw out is okay with me. I listen to 'Coast to Coast' sometimes when I need to stay awake. There are some conspiracies you would enjoy.

rac said...

My point was that as an employee we tend to do what our employer tells us to do. That is if we want to continue to get paid. At least that's how its been everywhere I've ever worked.

DRL said...

I see now. You are saying that if the Republicans want any sort of power, they will do what Moon says.
Moon can go climb up a tree for all I care.

rac said...

No, I'm saying that for the last 40 years Moon has been holding the purse strings of some very influential people in your party. In my opinion it's a big part of why the Republicans were thrown out on their ear. If you want to get back into power you should start by dumping your sugar daddy Moon.

DRL said...

I would love to. Wouldn't hurt my feeling at all. I doubt it will happen, "money talks".