Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama is the Nations leading law enforcement officer???

Yes, Obama's remark about the Cambridge Police acting "stupidly" is upsetting to many.
The Fraternal Order of Police are upset about the remark before an investigation.
Commissioner Robert Haas defends the arresting officer and said that Obama should have kept his 'comments' to himself.


Becki said...

I was stunned at Prez Hussein's comments. Just to recap..."I don't know all the facts, I wasn't there..." Then shut the hell up.

DRL said...

Yes, and my point is that President Hussein (Becki, you need to let us know if you are talking about the one that is dead or alive. I am talking about the one that is alive) is the nations highest law enforcement officer, yet he let his prejudice get in the way of the facts. This was nothing about race, and all about a 911 call of a burglary in progress.
If this is how the professor acts toward authority, then he needs to step down.
He can take some anger management classes and get on Prozac.

DRL said...

Oh, Becki, don't you like how President Hussein's (the one that is alive) favorite phrase is, "and let me be perfectly clear", and here he said he doesn't know the facts, but...............

Ha haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh, my side hurts

Joanna said...

I believe that he's an American and Freedom of Speech applies to him as well. Heck,Georgie had to have English as a 2nd language.
I think he spoke what he felt and I think he's a great president if he's allowed to be.
Georgie should have been critisized for his speech"messups" that happened all the time...give me a break!

DRL said...

Joanna, you did not watch the President did you? It was not how he said it, it is what he said. It was not a miss step in speech, but how he feels about the police. The President said the Cambridge police acted stupidly. The President is prejudice against any one other than blacks. That is just as bad as a white person not liking blacks, isn't it? NO, you say he is a great person for being prejudice. That is your stand.
don't you think all prejudice is bad?

Sean said...

Joanna - what makes Obama a great president?

Ric Larson said...

A great President would not make such a remark with out knowing the truth behind an arrest, unless he wanted to cause tension, or is just showing his true ignorance?. Who’s the really racist here? Is the Prez. showing his true colors now? Probably! “Open mouth, insert foot”. I was embarrassed for him and our nation when he made that “stupidly” remark. I don’t think he has done anything to qualify himself as a great President, nor do 51% of Americans at the moment. Pitiful.

Becki said...

Actually I've had time to think about it and I misspoke...I wasn't stunned, I was appalled. While freedom of speech in America is a fundamental right, Barack Obama (unfortunately) is the President of the United States and he has an OBLIGATION to exercise that right carefully.

His words were not the result of an upbringing in Texas, they were extremely carefully chosen and unwisely spoken, NOT in the privacy of his life, but at his fourth prime time news conference in his role as the President of the United States.

I admit I don't like him or agree with his politics, but he has both the ability and the press power to be heard and presented in a positive light and he blew it. My original statement stands - he should have shut the hell up. After all, he did not have all the facts and he wasn't there!

Sean said...

I can't recall any other president calling someone stupid in a press conference before... But I am still searching.

Doug said...

He didn't call anyone stupid. He did say that they acted stupidly. There is a difference.
It seems to me that everyone is acting stupidly here. From Obama commenting on something he did not have all the facts. To the homeowner acting like an oppressed jerk off to the arresting officer over reacting to an offended citizen.
The whole thing could have been avoided by Gates calmly producing ID showing himself as the homeowner. Cops go bye bye and everybody goes about their business.
One piece of advice I would have for the esteemed Professor Gates. Get to know your neighbors.