Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Question of the Day

Why do you think the Republican party went from complete control of Congress and the Presidency to being completely powerless in just a few short years? Was it because of bad philosophy, poor leadership, or something entirely different?


rac said...

I think this is a valid question and hope it will stir some good debate. I mean for all this boisterous talk from the right you would think they have a pretty good plan. And yet it really didn't pan out for them when they had no opposition to its execution. So what happened? How did all these great ideas not succeed? And why should the American public trust you to succeed the next time you're given a chance in the big game? Just wondering.

juliet said...

I think the Internet killed the Rep. party. Too much access to information for the general public and we truly have evolved as a society that really is becoming color blind. I think the younger generation have it much more together in that respect. Also I think a lot of the Republican dogma is just not resonating with many Americans. People want solutions and most Americans are disillusioned with the American dream that seems more and more un-attainable for themselves and thier children. The republican party just isn't comming up with any solutions to modern problems.

rac said...

Here's an idea that Dave might even agree with. They were systematically removed from power by the people who actually have the power. Almost to the man anybody who was anybody in the Republican party fell from grace do to scandal. Gingrich, Hassert, Foley, and on and on and on. Was this because they were more corrupt than anyone else in Washington? I don't think so. But I do think there was a very powerful entity that wanted them out of power and had the resources to remove them. Now the question is who is this power and what did the Republicans do to piss them off? Well, I have my own theories about that and what I can tell you is this... it wasn't the Democrats.

Doug said...

I was going to say that much like the Republicans, many of the Democrats would have difficulty finding their ass with their own two hands. To credit them with some ingenious yet nefarious master plan to wrest power from the opposition gives them waaayyy too much credit.
It is simply their turn. In time they too will fall from favor with the electorate and the opposite party will take control and the roles will be reversed and nothing will change. Both parties will continue to jostle for position on the laps of their corporate masters and special interests.
I do however look forward to hearing your theories as to who or what this "puppeteer" may be.

juliet said...

Rac posted a two hour movie about that Doug.

Doug said...

Two hours?! Unless the video featured midget porn and severed tendon highlights of the NFL who the hell's got that kind of time?

rac said...

I might be more apt to believe it was circumstance if there wasn't such a pattern to it. When a blond haired hooker is found in the park with her heart removed it's a gruesome murder. When the second or third one appears there's a serial killer on the loose.

juliet said...

RAC what is that link to that movie can you post it again here pls.

rac said...

IMO the real people in power don't have a political affiliation. They use all parties to achieve their objectives. That's really why it's kind of silly for us to even engage in this political debate. It's kind of like arguing which side of the coin is better. But it is fun though.

Doug said...

Now you're preaching to the choir.

Doug said...

Speaking of serial killers I saw something not too long ago that said that at any given time in this country there are like at least ten active serial killers.

Dave said...

It's all about who gives the most free handouts..

juliet said...

Yep Dave has a point, hot dog, soda and a paper flag and I am anyones best friend, throw in a donut and it's friend for

Sean said...

No doubt, the single biggest reason is because they are all (republicans and democrats) politicians. Many of them have developed as sense of import, royalty and entitlement that is simply unsustainable. The reason republicans lost power is not because of the grand dream of hope and change presented by Obama, but rather because they moved to far to the left, tried to be "liberal light" and were abandoned by many in their base.

I'd be interested to know what Juliet thinks the "republican dogma" actually is. I would guess that most of what she (and others) think of the Rebublican platform/agenda/dogma is actually what they are being told by the Democrats. (you know, the same ones who re-write their party's history of racism and oppression).

I think the Internet has something to do with it, sure. But I think it is much more than that. The fascist suppression of ideas and free speech starts in the public schools, colleges and universities. The Democrats are much more savvy at marketing themselves. Republicans don't understand that it isn't enough to be right, they need to convince people that they are right.

The idea that the American dream is un-attainable for anyone is laughable. You guys sure spend a lot of time trying to convince us that we need more immigrants. If this country is so terrible and our dreams so unattainable, then why are people literally killing themselves to get here? Because the dream is alive, is attainable with a little hard work and perseverance, that's why. If the vision you present of America is true, then you should really be building the border fence just to protect those Mexicans from throwing their lives away chasing the American dream. So, which is it?

DRL said...

One of the problems it the media. You know that Fox is a centrist news network. But ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR are all liberal. Look too at the news papers, they are almost all left leaning. How is the Republican plan getting out?

Look at how they treat the candidates of an election.
Joe Bidden is a complete buffoon and has plagiarized in the past. He is a pathological liar, gives out American secrets, as if he thinks nothing is wrong.

DRL said...

Why is it the liberals that always bring up color? We should be a color blind society, but when much of what the Democrats do is based or related to color, that takes away Marin Luther King's dream. I wish we would stop bringing up the race card.
Republicans are much more color blind that liberals are. Look at history.

rac said...

DRL asks "How is the Republican plan getting out?"

Answer: thru the Washington Times.

DRL said...

I too agree that what many Americans want is free stuff that someone else has to pay for.
People have voted in to office those they think will give the most entitlements. Look at the blog, and see that the liberals want "free" everything, and the conservatives want to keep more of what they have.
The country has slipped into a socialist society mindset, and I don't think the conservatives will ever regain power. Once again, look at history, Germany. I do, and will use Hitler as an example as long as Obama uses Hitlers political strategy.
I don't care who is in power, I will not change my core beliefs.

DRL said...

Yes RAC, there is a few conservative papers out there, but not the circulation of all the others, hu?

rac said...

And who owns the Washington Times? Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

rac said...

Maybe because you guys are in the minority. It all really boils down to supply and demand - a simple free market concept.

DRL said...

RAC, look who owns those I listed, and tell me they don't have any control over the Democrats. Influence is where the money is.

DRL said...

Ha, I would not say simple, and definitely not free to you and me, our children and grand children, hu?

rac said...

Yeah, but our people don't claim to be God and aren't leaders of the world's most powerful cult.

DRL said...

No, and I think Moon and Moonies are and have always been crazy. Any study of a cult will show that. The LDS church runs much more of the world politics that you may know. They own many businesses that supply such a thing.
But, someone doesn't have to claim to be god to not be good for a party.

mat said...

Its because of the party pussing out.We need to stand up for our conservative values and vote that way.Wait!Suckers.

mat said...

Its because of the party pussing out.We need to stand up for our conservative values and vote that way.Wait!Suckers.

rac said...

So in all seriousness mat, is this the Right's plan to return the Republicans to power? If so, then the wait you've been promising is looking rather lengthy. I guess we now know who the suckers are.

juliet said...

Well Sean ask me nice and I will direct you to FOX news for the latest Rep spew.

juliet said...

FYI Sean

Ric Larson said...

I must agree with Mat here. The Republican Party has pussied out recently! But I believe the Republicans and/or Conservatives are going to regroup come back with a mighty roar.

DRL said...

Ric, I actually think the Democrats are going to implode on themselves. Look at health care, a trillion dollars, when we are already broke.