Friday, July 10, 2009

As-Salamu Alaykum, My Brother


DRL said...

Yes, it is funny how Obama has no problem shaking hands with our enemy, but will apologize for America on foreign soil.
You on the left are right, Obama is no George Bush (43). George bush knew who our enemies are and fought them. Obama shakes hands withthem.

Pat said...

Hey drl, how come you crawl outta the woodwork when Sean starts his "funny act"? I would like to see you have an independent thought of your own. I'm sure you're capable of it.

DRL said...

I do, I didn't see Sean's posts till I posted mine on Obama shutting down the tradition of the fly by.
Remember, I had fun at Sean's expense on Obama's approval rate. I prefer to just have fun, but when Obama discriminates against a patriotic event, I speak up.

Joanna said...

Oh Boy! Bush knew his enemies and pushed them further away.Diplomacy is President Obama's take.Being right next to a lot of hot spots,I believe he's doing the right thing.Sometimes human to human communications work.

Doug said...

"George bush knew who our enemies are and fought them."

Does that include "looking into Vladmir Putin's soul" and seeing that he was a good man? about Saudi Arabia, since most of the guys that hijacked those planes on 9/11 were Saudi. Did he "fight' them?
No indeed. What he DID do however was see to the safe exit of the entire Bin Laden family from the US back to Saudi Arabia.
Or how about North Korea. Other than the sanctions (which continue in even greater form today) how much ass did he kick over there?
No we instead chose to go off to Iraq and fight a treasury draining war with ever changing rationale and justification and as yet nebulous benefit to the republic.
Now you may have your opinions on the events pertaining to present vs past administrations and to that you owe no one an explanation.
Great. We all do evidently.
However please do not infuse your narrow and biased ideology into the discussion and expect it be accepted as historical fact.

DRL said...

Joanna, WHAT!!!!
Of course Bush pushed the enemy away! Why would you want to shake hands with the person who killed many U.S. Military and civilians???
Clinton tried "diplomacy" and look what it got us, almost 3,000 Americans dead on 9/11. Do your home work, please.

DRL said...

Doug, I did not say that he fought all of our enemies. I thought we should have gone into North Korea. Remember it was Clinton who gave them the technology to build a nuclear weapon.
Remember too, that President Clinton had 3 opportunities to have Bin Laden turned over to him, and he said "no". Clinton is to blame for North Korea, and 9/11.
Remember too, that we won the Iraq war 30 days into it. Now we are fighting insurgents, not the Iraqi military. It (I hope you agree with this) is better that we fight in Iraq than in the U.S..
Instead of saying I there was no historical fact, point out what it is. For you to simply deny something, doesn't make it true.

Sean said...

DRL - I believe that we fought the 'after war' with the Iranians, er I mean "insurgents", for so long because they were seeing the effectiveness of their campaign every day in the senate and house. That is exactly what they hoped for and it is exactly what the dems gave them. If they had shown some backbone and solidarity; stood behind the action that they voted for then the whole thing probably would have ended in the first thirty days.

rac said...

Whatever happened to this idea of personal responsibility? 9/11 happened 9 months into W's administration. It happened on his watch. Had he been a Naval Commander he would have been relieved of duty.

Doug said...

So just for the sake of discussion and so that I'm clear on things here.
If it's bad then it's the fault of a previous administration. Except maybe unless that aforementioned previous administration is like say maybe Republican? Right? Okay then cool.
You say that 9/11 is the fault of Clinton for not capturing Bin Laden. Had he been captured then 9/11 would never have happened to begin with you say. I agree that this is a fair assumption.
But let's take that one step further. Bin Laden is in fact a creation of the Reagan administration. Trained and funded by the CIA to lead the mujahadeen insurgency against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, Bin Laden never would have been a threat to anyone had Reagan not authorized the whole scenario.
Now you can argue that at that time it was the correct decision to do so and I would agree. The Afghanistan debacle greatly contributed to the ultimate fall of the Soviet Union.
But back to my point.
Had Reagan not created Bin laden then there would be no need for Clinton to capture him and 9/11 would not have happened.
Further still. It was what Bin Laden saw as US occupation of Saudi Holy Land in the first Gulf war (under George HW) that led Bin Laden to renounce his alliance with the US and declare Jihad on America.
The rest, as they say, is history.

rac said...

The Rev. Sun Myung Moon's business empire, which includes the conservative Washington Times, paid millions of dollars to North Korea's communist leaders in the early 1990s when the hard-line government needed foreign currency to finance its weapons programs, according to U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency documents.

Dave said...

The united states of obamica.. and to the empire for which it stands...

rac said...

Obonnet: crazy hat foreign leaders wear when meeting with POTUS.

mat said...

Well Doug while historically you are correct just try to look out the box a little.What gave Bin Laden the right to decide who if anyone should "occupy"as you say saudi Arabia?During wars countries pick sides.We aligned ourselves with Afghanistan during their war with Russia.And the saudis granted us permission to stage there.Later in the first gulf war we set up bases again and still maintain bases there.You make it sound like Bin Laden is justified in his hatred of us.What gives that motherfucker the right to make those decisions?You just made a major point for us "righties".Of course we "whisked"his family away.You forget that not only Americans died on 9/11.That was a multinational tragedy.that family was marked for death for sure.They have denounced him and his actions.And so far there is no evidence otherwise.Yea we're in bed with the saudis for the oil but why?We can't go get our own.We'll sell leases to other countries(most of which hate us)to drill OUR oil by offset drilling.But we can't get it ourselves.So we have to get it somewhere.Meanwhile the best our govt can say is we need new technology.Yea "W" was a pussy that way too.Him and T-bone Pickens.Gee I wonder who holds the patents on the technology.Like we said in the Army,only two things come out of Texas.Steers and queers and you aint got no horns bitch.But some of us believe it's time for a change.A wake up call if you will.I believe it's coming.Wait.Peace brother.And don't vote for Pedro,Vote for the boonie dog.We should make a bumper sticker eh?

DRL said...

Sean, you are so right. I have said in the past here that it is the same as Vietnam. Senator Kerry, Jane Fonda and many other liberals protested our troops, and lead the North Vietnamese to continue. American Service men were defeated in the halls of Congress more than the battle field. Same as today, when the insurgents see our law makers say and do what is negative, the enemy knows they have the upper edge. It is sad to see men and women in elected office be proud to be against our troops.

DRL said...

RAC, Bush took a responsible stance against our enemies.
Remember the U.S. was hit 5 times under President Clinton, who did nothing. Bush reacted the first time we were attacked. If Clinton had gone to war, 9/11 would not have happened. It is Clinton's fault for 9/11 and not Bush's.
I thank God that we had a man in office who was willing to stand up and protect Americans.

DRL said...

Doug, Yes, You are right, and I should have brought that up. I was talking more of the prevention of 9/11 from what existed.
The Republicans were instrumental in the build up of Saddam Husein as well. His capabilities with weapons of mass destruction. I know that our involvement in Afghanistan was needed, but created not only Bin Laden, but the Taliban as well. I don't know if what was done at the time was the right way to go, but as it has been said, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". This will and has often come back to bite us in the posterior. I do put partial blame on anyone who had a part in any decision, I do believe in personal responsibility, and did not mean to discount what happened then. That too does not take the blame away from Clinton. I guess what I meant to get at was, after Clinton took office, Bin Laden had attacked us. Same with Bush (43), but Bush took action against him.
It was also Clinton's pull out of Mogadishu that Bin Laden said was the decision to attack the U.S..