Friday, July 31, 2009

So tonight I'm thinking...

I'll make it a point to piss off a cop. Preferably African American but any minority will do. Just be a dick. Maybe get tazed. Scream racism. Get invited to White House for beer with the big guy. Do any of you see any obvious flaws with this plan?


Pat said...

You may be offered a beer Doug.

Pat said...

PS...A lot of cops are stupid. All they need is a GED and a little training. I went to school with some of the local cops. they were mostly Rednecks. Most of our cops here are pit bulls who just need their Quota for the month. They think they're "bad" because they have a badge. I Don't have a lot of respect for them.

rac said...

And right before he zaps you scream out "don't taze me bro!"

juliet said...

Do you think they will be drinking Coors at the White house?

Sean said...

Either way, it is all a joke. Oh, lok at our glorious president, the racial healer, making peace between black and white.

By all accounts, Officer Crowley is not a racist. In fact, of all three people at this beer "bust", he's probably the only one with any real training in racial sensitivity. This officer was drawn into this "controversy" for nothing at all and it makes BO's triumphant 'teachable moment' exactly that - nothing at all.

BO can make a big deal of this when he sits down with, say, Louis Farrakhan and Barry Mills.

rac said...

So Sean, do you take Glen Beck's view (as expressed of Fox and Friends this week) that the President is a racist and hates white people?

Pat said...

Sean, I would rather have a gun. I trust
THAT more than a N. Ft. Myers cop. They're gonna shoot at me first. "oh sorry officer, I really didn't mean to throw a mango in the canal.

Doug said...

Not a racist. By all accounts? Really?
Certainly not by the account of the good professor. Or does his account not count?
I have said that all three of the beer meeting guys acted stupidly but ask yourself this question.
Had Gates been white do you think that this whole affair would have escalated to this level?
If the police officer acted justifiably then why were all charges dropped the following morning?
Probably because it would be fairly difficult to get a conviction for being "tumultuous" in public. Especially when that public place is the homeowners own front porch.
I see considerable hypocrisy from some on the right on this issue. On the one hand they decry government intrusion into and control of the lives of the masses yet see no real problem in this case with a property owner being rousted out of their home by the police on what was essentially a trumped up charge.
Why is that exactly?

Sean said...

I have owned several homes with burglar alarms. On occasion, the alarms go off and the police have been dispatched to my home to investigate. And, wouldn't you know it, but they actually asked me to produce identification to prove that I lived there. Did I scream and yell and throw a fit because I was asked to identify myself. Perhaps complaining that "the man" was always out to get me or some such nonsense? Do you think that would have been a good idea?

Yet, here we have this professor with a chip on his shoulder. He looses his composure, his temper and gets arrested for it. Not because he was black. Not because it was assumed he was breaking into the house. Rather because he refused to cooperate with the police who were doing their duty to protect HIS property. He should have thanked them.

Next we have BO who either really doesn't know the facts about the case or chooses to ignore them. He made sure he was asked that question in his press conference. He knew it was coming. He even paused to "consider" his response and still he let loose with a judgement about how stupid the police are. So, I ask, where is the hypocrisy here?

Becki said...

Doug, you're white! Your evil diabolical plan will never work. You're the wrong color!

Pat said...

careful're treading on racism.

Pat said...

Sean, good for you for managing "several homes" as you say .Do you have any black neighbors? I'm thinking not. how about any hispanics? Is your world just a little white world? maybe you just want it that way.
My kids are growing up in a diversifed Life and they are great little men. They don't see color..only character

Dave said...

Hey Pat, is there anything wrong with white people? Sounds like you have a little chip on your shoulder. I live in a neighborhood of all white people, should we all be flogged as racists? Should we simply go ahead and give up our homes and property to an "other" race, just to show our good will and social/political correctness? And if I may ask, are your kids medically color blind?

Dave said...

And rac, I'm glad to hear you're watching Glenn Beck now, there may still be hope for you yet..

rac said...

OK, so I have a confession to make. I've moved around ALOT in my life and one of the things I look at when moving into a new neighborhood are the demographics. I personally like a little cultural diversity in my neighbors but at the same time I'm not going to move into downtown Detroit just to prove a point. The truth is that social economic status is still largely divided by race in many parts of the country. If my criteria are decent housing, good schools and a low crime rate then chances are I'm going to end up in a mostly white neighborhood. Does this make me a racist? I don't think so. In reality I'm not looking at the color of the skin but rather the condition of the town. Still, in the end I know my actions could be misinterpreted otherwise.

PS. For the record I've also seen plenty of all white neighborhoods I wouldn't let my dog live in. Derelicts of society come in all shades of evil.

Pat said...

Ok Dave, I get you. No, my kids aren't "Color blind". One is half black so maybe I should have said that they just don't see. All they know is that they are brothers.
A chip on my shoulder? maybe. we've had to listen to ignorant comments from ignorant people all their lives.
"are they all yours?" "how can they be brothers"? and of course, the inevitable,unspoken LOOK,"she must have screwed a black guy". We don't notice anymore.
And I'm not giving up my house to "Mexicans" as you so eluded. My kids need a roof over their head.
I'm glad you're not my neighbor any more.

juliet said...
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juliet said...

Doug, if he was white and refused to show his ID and acted less than any rational man would ya I think they would have brought him in.

Doug said...

he DID produce proof of residency. But only after and while acting like a jerk off.
I think maybe I should reiterate something I said earlier. All three of the parties acted stupidly in my opinion. The homeowner for playing the offended and oppressed victim card. The officer for allowing the arrogant and self righteous Gates to get under his skin and finally the President for allowing himself to become central to what should have been a local matter.
University professors in general and Ivy league professors in particular do sometimes carry an air of superiority and entitlement. This whole episode may be as much or more a matter of class than race distinction. It's inevitable that when the principals are black/white that it becomes a racial issue.
So to answer your question I can't say whether the officer would have reacted differently had the homeowner been white.

Dave said...

C'mon Pat, won't you be my neighbor? I'll mow your lawn, wash your car, and be your handy man..

juliet said...

Well I bet his house can burn to the ground before anyone will take the chance to call the fire department in the future. What a jerk.

rac said...

All I know is when the cops show up your best bet is to adopt a "yes sir, no sir" policy. If you are wrongly accused of something then the courts, not the streets, are the place to fight it out. That's why I don't blame the cops for what happened in Waco, Ruby Ridge or Cambridge.

Pat said...

oh, ok Dave. But only if you can fix my roof and get the AC going in my truck,

juliet said...
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Pat said...

I agree with that Rac. There's a place near here, called Suncoast Estates. You know it Robert. To locals it's referred to as "Slumcoast".
No black person in their right mind would try living there. My son Ben had a friend who lived there and I always worried when I dropped him off there. Sad really

Joanna said...

We've experienced racism first hand here on Guam.I think we were taught to "profile" If you didn't,at least for the older ones,you got your you know what kicked.
Even in my day,but I don't hate a race. Sometimes we can group people into a catagory,yet when we meet someone cool then we can think more indepthly.:) Peace.