Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tennesee is back from the grave - while we dig our own graves.


Doug said...

Karl Marx's Manifesto? I'm no expert on Marxism but I have some doubt that therein you would find any reference to funneling billions in public dollars to that high priestess of capitalism known as the financial and credit industry.
Citi Bank has been and continues to be largely insolvent and it's continued existence depends heavily on an open pipeline of taxpayer dollars. All while enjoying the status of an independent banking entity.
Sound like Marxism to you?
You all just keep singing this song to your selves and before too terribly long you will have convinced the impressionable among us that offering staggering national debt to the altar of capitalism is a phenomenon peculiar to the current administration.
And be sure to throw in the occasional socialist, marxist type label for good measure.

Pat said...

funny sean...not impressed though:)

rac said...

I'm just glad you stuck it out, Sean. This place wouldn't be the same without you.

rac said...

...and I mean that sincerely. ;)

juliet said...

Great tune, but off message. I have decided that I will for the sake of argument support the conservative view. Starting Monday. I have to get conditioned for it. Kill a few brain sells and watch Fox non stop all weekend.

juliet said...

oops that was cells as in terror cells.

Pat said...

BTW Sean, I'm not being buried. I hate maggots and I don't want them anywhere near me. I want my ashes spread across the canal, or the lawn or whatever is cheap. Play a Simon and Garfunful song for me.;)