Sunday, March 30, 2008

From the Battle of Guam


rac said...

I didn't realize the Coast Guard was kicking so much ass in WWII. Way to go Dave!

Joanna said...

The man on the left looks happy but the one on the right looks quite serious.Who's who?

juliet said...

Great photo, I would love that as a poster.

pat said...

Love that sexy marine on the right.

Ric Larson said...

God bless those men! Sure do like the 'sign' they are holding up! To bad the local kids that I went to school with did not feel the same way.

DRL said...

OH YEA, lets raise a toast to them all. I too did not know that the Coast Guard was off shore of Guam in WWII, but remember before WWII it was US soil, and that is what the Coast Guard protect better than anyone!

DRL said...

I did not mean to forget the Marines that protect US soil as in our US Ebassy's.

mat said...

My dad was stationed on Guam after the liberation.He was an arial photographer with the marines.I have pictures he took of the Japanese signing the articles of surrender for the pacific theater.

DRL said...

Matt, it is cool to see the history that our families have played in history. From those who were here for the conseption of the country to those who served in office to to those who helped liberate.
Sean's Grandpa Perdew was an enginelman in the Pacific theater in WWII. He was stationed aboard the landing craft, which was instramental in the liberation. He was hit in the leg with a tracer. I was stationed aboard an anphibious ship.

DRL said...

You know, I often look at pictures like this, and wounder if these men came home. As we all remember Sgt. Yakoi as a pasive strageler, many were not. We were in Japan 8 years after the war, and as with every theater of war. Even if we have suppressed the "enemy" there are always straglers or now insergents. Regardless of our differences, I know each and every one of us want every American to come home safe and harm free. We should also wish this for those on the side fighting us. Human life is priceless. But until peace is found, Remember the faces of these men, and loved ones who may be at or are going back to "harms way". Thank you again Cindy for what you must endure as a mother (which I could never understand). and to all who have someone there.

Joanna said...

Mat,I'd Love to see those pics.That is something only few saw.Hey, I was Zokin with Sam and a song came on the radio. He said this is Mat's song to Benita...Ace-"You're still the one"He said he had to get over Gutierrez's running, before he thought of you two and remembered it clearly one night...Call him...Pleaasse.E-mail him,bug him,everything!!!

Cindy said...

That was very nicely said DRL, thank you.

Joanna said...

DRl, straggler's left behind is inevitable.War is hell. My Mom met the very same general that asked for Tokyo to be fire bombed completely.Many years later,General Lemay was at my Dad's house in Studio City,CA. When he came to visit, he realized my Mom was from Tokyo...he said "Sorry" to her for all that she went through.

DRL said...

Cindy, no, thank you.

Joanna, it is sad what is left behind, besides straglers. The memories of those who come home and those left on thier home soil.

Joanna said...

I agree that there are innocent lives lost all the time.They were and are there.

Joanna said...

The man on the left is quite striking in his appearance...Go Coast Guard:) Yeeeaaahh Haaaaa!!!I had to say it...Oh well!