Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Purpose of Life

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung once wrote that we spend the first part of our adult lives procreating and the second part preparing for death. At our age, whether we want to admit it or not, most of us are entering into that second phase.

I believe a part of that second phase includes an honest assessment of our life's purpose. Given the great diversity of this group, I thought it might be interesting to compare notes at this point.

For me I believe life is a school. The lessons are mostly subtle but can also be quite painful, happy, rewarding or sad. And at times they may seem relentless too. As to the purpose of this school I have no idea. Still, logic dictates there must be a reason and those reasons may even be bigger than life itself. I hope to someday discover the truth. I have a feeling the best is yet to come.


Joanna said...

Very deep yet so true.

DRL said...

I am not at the second stage yet.
A few years after Jill and I were married, her grandma came up to Jill and I in front of the whole extended family at a Thanksgiving dinner, and said (verry loud) "When are you two going to give me more grandchildren"? To which I replied, "I have heard practice makes perfict, and we want perfect children". She was so embarrassed. I am still practicing just in case it happens again.

pat said...

Life is school..the school of hard knocks. hopefully, if we're really lucky, we take in the best and the worst doesn't damage us too much. We're all still a work in progress.

mat said...

It was said best by George Carlin in Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure "Be excellent to each other" thats it in a nut shell! None of the other shit matters!

Ric Larson said...

truly amazing! how true.

Cindy said...

After 25 years of raising kids, I'm excited about time and energy to "mother" myself..time to grow into person I am meant to be. I'm learning to--live in the "now", have no regrets for past (lessons learned), stop negative self-talk (I am not the voices in my and not worry about future (it will unfold as it is supposed to).

What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen.


Ric Larson said...

Cindy, your right on target!

Ric Larson said...

RAC'ster, Psychiatrist are Medical Doctors (M.D.'s) of the brain, and Psychologist are Philosophy Doctors (Ph.D's or M.A.'s) of the mind. Both can make diagnosis from the DSMIV, but only the MD (psychiatrist) can write scripts for 'happy pills'. Most pyschiatrist are not good therapist, but are there to give pyscho tropics meds to mellow out an individual enough, to ready him or her for therapy. But this guy Dr. Carl Jung seems to be with it on the therapeutic level! He is on the ball! Good research dude!

Ric Larson said...

Ooops, I got off target, was thinking I was at work on my last comment, sorry.

I do believe life hear on earth is nothing more but a school, or/and a stepping stone for the next level of being, what ever that may be? But we are placed here for a purpose by some one or something (like God).

Infinity goes both ways; backwards and forwards. We are a part of both.

Before our births, did we or could we some how prepare ourselfs for this life?

I could go on, but would rather continue this conversation over a tall glass of suds while sitting on a bar stool in Vegas! :)

rac said...

Beautifully put everyone. I particularly like the quote by Thoreau.

Doug said...

Yes that it is a beautiful quote by Thoreau.

I have a suspicion he got his ass kicked a lot in high school.

pat said...

Lol Doug...Thoreau never had to endure High school...only the outdoors elements. He's one of my heroes...(even though he had it easy).