Friday, March 21, 2008

Lunar Cycles Psychos

I just stepped outside to take out the trash and there staring me in the face was a big bright full moon. I guess with all our ranting and raving these last couple of days this should have come as no surprise.


Joanna said...

RAc, I was staring at that same moon.Beautiful and reminding of where we are,not there:)

Joanna said...

I tried to post on the the subject of patriotism and everything in between but,my password was blocked.I was just trying to say that my Dad told me to never forget my great,great maybe 9 times over uncle signed the "Declaration of Independence" His name is James Wilson,my Dad's is Blair Wilson Sparks.I still miss my Dad.

DRL said...

RAC, I am not called a "LUNATIC" for nothing.

rac said...

That is an awesome piece of family history, Joanna. Your Dad was right; you need to cherish that one. Be sure to share it with your descendents too, they will thank you for it someday.

rac said...

BTW Joanna, you realize this means there's a slim statistical probability we are somehow related. Weird, huh?

Cindy said...

Rac, there is also a great possibility that we could be distantly related to George Bush. Our great-grandfather, Samuel Caraway started a town in Texas with a man named Dan Bush in the 1880's. They named the town Caradan and in 1950 the population reached an all time high of 75 residents, Today all that is left is the cemetery.

juliet said...

I think the Bush family is orginally from Maine.

rac said...

Son of a bitch... that means the Bush's have been screwing our family for over a hundred years (just kidding folks - please let's not start another flame chain).

juliet said...

I think the family was involved in politics in Connecticut and Ma. moving on to Texas and the oil business. I was in Maine this summer and was hanging around Wells which is just a few minutes down the road from Kennybunckport where the Bush family has a vacation compound. Not sure which New England state they are originally from. Kennybunkport seems like a more expensive tourist trap compared to some of the other spots on the coast

Ric Larson said...

Julie, did you get a chance to pop in on Desi while in Maine?

juliet said...

Yes, We had a nice time. I met up with her and her son and my husband Hans in Kittery. Hans and I cracked and smashed our way through lobsters showering them with juice and shell. Her son was a good sport while Desi and I caught up on the last 25 years.

Ric Larson said...

Cool! Good to hear that!

Joanna said...

Weird but interesting. I'm glad to see happier posts these days.I'd rather laugh then cry:)